Part meditative tutorial, part fireside chat, each episode finds artist John Lurie ensconced at his worktable, where he hones his intricate watercolor techniques and shares his reflections on what he’s learned about life.
It's been over 10 years since the brand-building hit first premiered, and this series catches up with some of our favorite toddler beauty queens, now young women.
Anne Hegerty, Shaun Wallace and Mark Labbett embark on a geeky road trip to uncover the cognitive abilities of animals. The brainboxes have won quizzes the world over, but wonder where they are in the pecking order of intelligent life forms.
Were they destined to kill? Psychologists, detectives, family and friends walk us through the life stories of 10 serial killers to find out what made them commit their horrific crimes.
Dr. Ole Alcumbrac owns White Mountain Animal Hospital, a full-service animal clinic in Pinetop, Arizona, that cares for everything from cats and dogs to exotics and large animals. But this self-described 'wild man' isn't your typical veterinarian, and it's his work outside of the clinic that excites him most.
They give hope for healing, a profitable marriage, quick millions, but leave people with empty pockets and in complete disbelief. Seven stories about people who posed as rich people, life teachers and brilliant doctors — and were able to make money on it.
The documentary provides viewers with innovative artistic expression, precious historical images, stunning scene reproduction, and precise 3D animation, providing them with a deep interpretation of classic examples of the Korean War and telling the legendary stories of passionate heroes.