Chef Ainsley Harriott is back on our screens to delight us with the family favourites we've forgotten mean so much. Anchored by Ainsley in the studio, the series features breakfast, lunch and dinner suggestions, as well as snacks and sweet treats. It could be a dish we don't see much of anymore, or one that is frequently on dining tables up and down the land: it's just waiting for the Ainsley twist! Additionally, Ainsley will reach out to his top chef mates across the country, who will be creating delicious meals in their own kitchens. Plus, Ainsley is joined by guests who will reminisce about their favourite meals and foodie treats, talk about what food means to them, and share a recipe that Ainsley will cook in the studio with them.
What happened in Latin America during World War II? With narrative agility and historical rigor, we go through the different moments of the war on four thematics: espionage, diplomacy, economy and action on the battlefront. Classified information and stories never told until today allow us to understand how Latin countries lived through the years of armed conflict.
A three-part documentary series that recounts the notorious killer's crimes, the decades long investigation that captured him, and the effect his brutal murders had on everyone in his orbit, especially his daughter who speaks openly about what it is like to be the daughter of a serial killer.
A three-part docuseries chronicling the journey of soul music, from its birth out of gospel and R&B in the 1960s, when it delivered an assertive, integrated vision of black America, and produced its first generation of stars including Otis Redding and Aretha Franklin.
Hitler was determined to extend Germany eastwards to make Germany a great continental power. Hitler's policy, based on a racist ideology, planned to eliminate or enslave the population that stood in the way of the Reich. It was this determination that propelled the world into war. Hitler believed that the conquest territories including Poland, the Belarussian and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republics, and the Baltic States "for the German people" was his destiny.
The work of a Thailand hospital devoted solely to treating elephants. The two-part documentary reveals the day-to-day challenges of dealing with supersized patients suffering everything from deadly viruses to cuts and parasites. It also shows how the facility teaches baby elephants new commands and even turns elephant poo into fertiliser.