Celia is a Spanish children's television series created by José Luis Borau in 1992 for the national Spanish public-service channel Televisión Española. It is based on the classic Spanish children's novels of the same name by Elena Fortún, primarily Celia, lo que dice and Celia en el colegio. The books and television series tell the stories of a wild seven-year-old girl named Celia Gálvez de Moltanbán. In addition to focusing on Celia, the show touched lightly on Spanish life in the 1930s, such as the upcoming civil war, a changing nation, and the social issues and ideas at the time.
Cristina Cruz Mínguez was cast as the titular character, and the script was adapted by author and screenwriter Carmen Martín Gaite. The creator, Borau, directed and produced the series. Though successful when it originally premiered, Celia was cancelled after six episodes. The sixth and final episode ended with a "to be continued", but the following episode has yet to be released.
A genie is sent by the emperor of genies from the Caucasus Mountains to our earth for the treatment of his eyesight problems. When he lands, he happens to meet a daring young boy who loves fantasies.
Sømanden Otto (Brandenburg) har bugseret sit gode skib ”Julia” ind i Skilteskoven. Her nyder han freden og roen, alene med sin trofaste følgesvend, papegøjen Bounty (Søren Thorup), og ugentligt besøg af Landhandelens Karen-Marie (Karin Jagd), indtil borgmesterens datter ”Henry” (Amalie Ihle Alstrup) farer vild, og søger nattely på skibet… Duftforhandleren Viggo Velva (Axel Strøbye) har dog ikke tænkt sig, at Otto skal blive i granskoven. Han forsøger, på alle (lovlige og ulovlige) måder, at overtage skoven, for at kunne brænde den ned, så han kan bruge duften af afbrændt gran til sit nyeste projekt ”Jul på Dåse”. I bunden af skibet ”Julia”, det sted Otto kalder Sumpen, bor de tre nisser; Kogle, Multe og Stub (LINIE 3). De gør alt hvad der står i deres magt for at hjælpe Otto, Henry og Karen-Marie mod Velvas miljøfjendske planer
Bad Influence! is an early to mid-1990s British factual television programme broadcast on CITV between 1992 and 1996, and was produced in Leeds by Yorkshire Television. It looked at video games and computer technology, and was described as a "kid’s Tomorrow's World". It was shown on Thursday afternoons and had a run of four series of between 13 and 15 shows, each of 20 minutes duration. For three of the four series, it had the highest ratings of any CITV programme at the time. Its working title was Deep Techies, a colloquial term derived from 'techies' basically meaning technology-obsessed individuals.