A children's educational TV show featuring a group of child actors, known as "Terebi Senshi," who engage in various challenges and activities to entertain and educate young viewers.
The Kikaika (literally mechanization) Empire invades our solar system, and in a matter of moments they take over and convert Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, and set their sights on Earth. However, one thing stands in their way. Earth's ancient protector and warrior of light, Eldran. To fight this menace, he gifts a 6th-grade class with 3 huge robotic dinosaurs, with the power to merge and form the giant robot Go-Saurer, which they then can pilot and use to stop the Kikaika Empire's advances.
Games World was an entertainment video games show that was broadcast on Sky One each weekday from 1993-98. The overall concept of Games World was similar to GamesMaster.
The three Tribes of the Daos Empire - Shura, Dai and Gorma - were peaceful until the Gorma set out to conquer the planet, launching a magical war between the Gorma and Dai Tribes that lasted for centuries. In the end, both civilizations were lost... until now. The evil Gorma have returned. Now, it's up to Master Kaku to assemble a team of kids with high levels of Ch'i to become the protectors of the Earth known as the Dairangers!
Special Investigation Robo Janperson was the 1993 installment in Toei Company’s Metal Hero Series. The series revolved around Janperson, a robotic detective who patrolled the streets of Tokyo and fought against three different underworld organizations who used super technology to subjugate the masses. Unlike most Metal Heroes, a monster-of-the-week was rarely shown and most of the villains are criminals akin to television police dramas. The name given to this series by Toei for international distribution is Jumperson.
Maito Senpuuji is a billionaire crime-fighting teenager, taking up his father's company and assets at the age of only 15. Taking control of the Might Gaine team of robots that his late father created, Senpuuji and his free-thinking robot teams take on the crime lords that plague Nouvelle Tokyo City.
Magic Grandad was an educational programme which originally aired on BBC Two under the title 'Switch On, Switch Off' during Schools section of 1993. The show saw 'Magic' Grandad take his young grandchildren back in time, many of the adventures are about comparing the past and the present and seeing how evidence of what happened in the olden days still survives.
The show was said to make learning about history "fun for youngsters" and was aimed at children aged 5-7 years. The series was introduced to support the History National Curriculum at Key Stage 1. New seasons have been made periodically to support new areas of the infant history curriculum such as seaside holidays and toys.
The early season have a companion booklet of teacher's notes with descriptions of the episodes, various suggestions for follow-up work and photocopiable worksheets.
The Animals of Farthing Wood is an animated series created by the European Broadcasting Union between 1992 and 1995 and based on the series of books written by Colin Dann. It was produced by Telemagination, based in London, and La Fabrique, based in Montpellier in France, but also aired in other European countries. The first countries to air the series were Germany and the United Kingdom, in January 1993.
Tots TV is a British children's television programme, produced by Ragdoll Productions and Central.
The programme featured three ragdoll friends: Tilly, a French girl, with red hair, who speaks in basic French, Tom, a blue haired boy with glasses, and Tiny, the youngest Tot, who is smaller than the others and has green hair.
Tots TV was written by two of its puppeters - Robin Stevens and Andrew Davenport with Tilly played by three actresses - initially Veronique Deroulede, then Claire Carre and Alexandra Hogg. The series won two BAFTA awards for its producer Anne Wood and director Vic Finch. Originally broadcast in the UK on the ITV network, CBeebies, the BBC's television channel for young children,pick up the series from 2004.
The Series was also broadcast in the United States on the PBS network from 1996 with 'Tilly speaking Spanish, instead of French. In 2000 Discovery Kids broadcast the series throughout Central and South America, the Caribbean and the Falkland Islands.
The Adventures Of Blinky Bill is an animated television series based on Dorothy Wall's books about Blinky Bill. The series is produced by Yoram Gross. Set in Greenpatch, a fictional Australian town, the series presents stories of conservation and nature through the activities of Blinky Bill and his family and friends.
In turbulent times for France and herself, the first minister of the Kingdom of France, Cardinal Mazarin, asked Queen Anne of Austria to give him the names of four friends who successfully helped her in the fight against Cardinal Richelieu. Under pressure from Mazarin, Queen Anne calls the name D'Artagnan, lieutenant of the royal musketeers. Mazarin calls D'Artagnan and orders him to find Athos, Porthos and Aramis in order to attract them to his service...
Sømanden Otto (Brandenburg) har bugseret sit gode skib ”Julia” ind i Skilteskoven. Her nyder han freden og roen, alene med sin trofaste følgesvend, papegøjen Bounty (Søren Thorup), og ugentligt besøg af Landhandelens Karen-Marie (Karin Jagd), indtil borgmesterens datter ”Henry” (Amalie Ihle Alstrup) farer vild, og søger nattely på skibet… Duftforhandleren Viggo Velva (Axel Strøbye) har dog ikke tænkt sig, at Otto skal blive i granskoven. Han forsøger, på alle (lovlige og ulovlige) måder, at overtage skoven, for at kunne brænde den ned, så han kan bruge duften af afbrændt gran til sit nyeste projekt ”Jul på Dåse”. I bunden af skibet ”Julia”, det sted Otto kalder Sumpen, bor de tre nisser; Kogle, Multe og Stub (LINIE 3). De gør alt hvad der står i deres magt for at hjælpe Otto, Henry og Karen-Marie mod Velvas miljøfjendske planer
Bunch of Munsch, also known as A Bunch of Munsch, is a Canadian animated anthology TV series produced by Cinar. Each episode is based on a book by American-Canadian children's author Robert Munsch.