Summer 2007, Finland. While the Kurtti are spending their annual holidays in their cabins in the land of a thousand lakes, the family is struck by a tragedy: Tommi, 2 years old, is killed by a gunshot. Elias, a 12-year-old neighbour, is blamed for the death of the child. 12 years later, the family receives a threatening anonymous letter and the secrets start to unravel, and show how far each of them are willing to go for their loved ones.
Demon hunter Tim Wood and his team investigate the darkest hauntings. The battle-tested crew employs unique scientific investigative methods and works closely with eyewitnesses to identify, communicate and confront the malevolent entities lurking in the shadows.
Joe Bob, Darcy, and the whole Drive-In crew gather around the yule log for some reindeer games and a triple feature of classic holiday horror films and deep-dive trivia.
When the Snow Queen takes Nam Ji Seob with her so that he can be the ice prince, the only way Seo Ga Eun, Nam Ji Seob's childhood friend and a webtoon writer in seclusion, can save him is by finding 7 memories in time. It's just like finding 7 pieces of the puzzle. So with the help of the doll knight, she tries to save Ji Seob. In this adventure, Ga Eun encounters Fairies, Yeti, Snow Queen and many interesting Korean retro characters.
Set against the stunning Scottish landscape in and around Dundee, three compelling female characters — Emma Hedges, Prof. Sarah Gordon and Prof. Kathy Torrance — join forces to uncover the truth about an unsolved murder case that's very close to home.
As they try to give their marriage a second chance, a couple’s relationship is once again put to the test when a resentful ghost haunts them because of a dark secret in their family’s past.
When an unknown virus begins to spread across the globe, an average college student, by the name of Mina, takes it upon herself to find a way to stop it, before it destroys the world. Traveling back in time, to the place where she believes the virus first made its appearance, Mina appears directly in front of the painfully timid Kim Yo Han.
Informing Yo Han that she’s here from the future to prevent a viral apocalypse, Yo Han can’t decide if the woman standing before him is telling the truth, or just trying to play some sick prank. Realizing Yo Han doesn’t believe her, Mina explains her situation further and admits that her research has led her to this exact moment for one very simple reason: As the carrier of the virus, Yo Han is the reason the world is about to end.
A tv show about a woman Emma Veldman who is a owner of a guesthouse and everyone is chopping off under her. until Aunt Skattie arrives with a big secret and it is up to Darius Landman and Rickus Kingsley to solve the mystery about Emma's secret about her son.
A story that follows a cop who goes undercover to complete a mission and his girlfriend who tries to uncover the truth.
Lin Ze is a straight arrow who vows to be a decent cop. He meets his match in Chen Meng, an aspiring cop who prefers to speak with her fists. Chen Meng is devastated after hearing the news of Lin Ze's death. However, she starts to dig for the truth when an expert negotiator by the name of Qiao Ying Zi who shares the same face as Lin Ze arrives in the country.
A Philadelphia couple are in mourning after an unspeakable tragedy creates a rift in their marriage and opens the door for a mysterious force to enter their home.
In 2004, shortly before Estonia's accession to NATO, the Russian intelligence service is approaching Alfred Vind, an official of the Estonian Ministry of Defense ...
A cop that is looking for a serial killer is shot in the head and awakes with amnesia. When he come back to his house, there is a mysterious woman captive in his basement.