Hikari Mitsushima, Masaki Okada and the gorgeous cast of "Unnatural" and "MIU404" will be gathered together! We will talk about the charms of the unique characters that liven up the movie!
The Tithes is a three-part Warhammer animation anthology. It’s composed of three self-contained stories that each shine a different light on an interesting and little-explored slice of this vast, dystopian setting: The Imperial Tithe.
When his older brother is found dead, apparently by suicide, the renowned psychoanalyst Pablo Rouviot is the only one convinced that it is a murder. With the assistance of Officer Cecilia Bermúdez as his sole ally, Pablo takes on the investigation, uncovering a much larger scheme with a serial killer at its core.
J.K. Rowling’s orphan boy wizard took the world by storm, but before the first book was even published Warner Brothers had their eye on a franchise. But how to make it soar? In a leaky shed in the UK, these cinematic wizards build a whole new world and changed filmmaking forever. Through a revolving door of directors, an assortment of magical creatures, increasing demand for visual effects, and a cast that is growing up, the Harry Potter series continued to fascinate audiences. Get behind the wand to hear the secrets of the trials, threats, and near-death experiences from the people who made the magic happen on Icons Unearthed: Harry Potter.
The legendary feud between Wyatt Earp and Ike Clanton unfolds through vivid reenactments in this gritty docudrama about the gunfight that defined an era.
Raimundo and Serginho are partners in a life of committing robberies. When Raimundo decides to leave the life of crime, he is convinced by Serginho to take part in one last heist, unaware that their target is their boss, Bruna. The robbery spirals out of control and places the three of them in a cruel, vengeful cycle.
Eighteen-year-old Charly is ready to disclose his identity as a transgender young man. First, he must confront the prejudice of the macho villagers in his town. To earn people's respect, he decides to sign up for "The King of the Machos," a contest which supposedly measures its competitors' manhood through games and physical challenges.
After constantly traveling due to her parents' work, sixteen-year-old Sofía wants stability: to go to school and have friends. When they move to Río Vivo, a small town in the mountains, she finally gets what she wants, until a strange water-bound power threatens the normal teenage life she's worked so hard to achieve.
The story revolves around a love story that starts from mistaken identity. This is a story about Usa's character being tasked to pretend to be his twin and break up with his twin's boyfriend.
The good-natured and clumsy Mizumura Kai can't seem to do anything right. Burdened by debt, he eventually gets kicked out of his home one day. Just then, he gets a call from his twin brother, who is on a business trip abroad. "I'll let you stay at my place, and I'll even pay off all your debt. But in return..."
When he enters his brother's house, a mysterious man named Yukita Chiaki shows up, hugs him and kisses him. It turns out this man is actually his brother's lover.
Married couple, Ray and Eilyn, aim to wow potential clients with their distinct design aesthetics - knowing only one of them will close the deal and get a chance to deliver a remarkable transformation for the client.