Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, whose mead hall in Heorot has been under attack by a monster known as Grendel.
Brakebills University is a secret institution specializing in magic. There, amidst an unorthodox education of spellcasting, a group of twenty-something friends soon discover that a magical fantasy world they read about as children is all too real— and poses grave danger to humanity.
Danny is an average 24-year-old who has been friends with stoner Milo since they were kids. But then Danny decides it’s time to grow up, settle down and marry long-term girlfriend Kate, whereas Milo continues to focus on getting high. One night Milo takes a particularly strong batch of hallucinogens, and Danny appears in his living room - except the real Danny’s at his engagement party, and the real Danny doesn’t normally carry a sword! This Danny claims to come from another dimension, and he brings a warning - the only problem is that Milo’s too wrecked to remember what it is...
A supernatural thriller set in South Carolina, South Of Hell focuses on Maria Abascal (Suvari), a stunning demon-hunter-for-hire whose power stems from within. Like those she hunts, Maria is divided within herself, struggling with her own demon, Abigail, who resides inside of her, feeding on the evil Maria exorcises from others. Maria and Abigail share a soul and a destiny, but as Maria desperately tries to overtake Abigail, she will discover how far Abigail will go to remain a part of her.
Inspired by the original novella by Robert Louis Stevenson, Jekyll and Hyde is set in 1930s London and follows Robert Jekyll, the grandson of Henry Jekyll, on his quest to discover his real identity, his true family history and the nature of his ‘curse’ – which his foster father, Dr Vishal Najaran, is controlling with medication. His journey takes him into a dark and unforgiving place, as his alter ego seems capable of anything. At the same time there are shadowy forces trying to find Jekyll and the source of his powers.
After Ben's coronation in Descendants, the villain kids Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay settle in at being good while their villainous parents are still roaming the Isle of the Lost. The story goes deeper at the arrival of new villain kids, Freddie (Dr. Facilier's daughter), CJ (Captain Hook's daughter) and Zevon (Yzma's son).
Immortal and aimless, Wu Xin has no memory of his origins or purpose. Struggling to survive, he meets kindhearted Yue Ya, who shares her last meal with him. To repay her and sustain themselves, he uses his unique ability—hunting supernatural creatures. Together, they embark on a thrilling journey, battling monsters for those who can pay.
Na Bong Sun may be a skilled sous chef, but she lacks the self-esteem to shine professionally and socially. Beyond her cooking talents, however, is an uncanny ability to communicate with ghosts. One day, her mystic senses go out of control when the seductive ghost of Shin Soon Ae possesses her. Imbued with a fiery new "personality," Bong Sun starts turning heads, including that of Kang Sun Woo, the hottest chef in town and Bong Sun's secret crush!
In a parallel present where the latest must-have gadget for any busy family is a 'Synth' - a highly-developed robotic servant that's so similar to a real human it's transforming the way we live.
In a brash decision Cole has secretly moved to San Francisco under the guise of his straight best friend's engagement party to escape a dead-end career and the memories of a passionate summer fling with a boy in New York. But when he arrives, he runs into the former fling and old feelings resurface. And after his friend, Daren, reveals his engagement was an accident, Cole uses the mysterious powers of a re-discovered sketchbook to try to put their lives back on track, whatever the consequences.
The government cover-up of the causes behind a massive explosion in a futuristic UK metropolis spur photo journalist Jennifer Preston on to search for the truth and in the process blow open a paranormal phenomenon haunting the city.
Cassie Nightingale, Middleton’s favorite enchantress, and her young-teenage daughter Grace, who shares that same special intuition as her mom, welcome Dr. Sam Radford and his son to town. When the New York transplants move in next to the Grey House, they are immediately spellbound by the mother-daughter duo next door, but Sam and Cassie quickly find they may not see eye to eye. With her signature charm, Cassie attempts to bring everyone together, ensuring all of Middleton is in for new changes, big surprises and, of course, a little bit of magic!
"Good Witch” is based on Bell’s beloved character Cassie, the raven-haired enchantress who kept audiences spellbound for seven installments of Hallmark Channel's longest-running and highest-rated original movie franchise of all time.
Set in the "Train World" where all citizens are trains. However, among the residents there are special trains that can transform into robots, the Robot Trains! Featuring our 5 train heroes, with special powers: Kay, Alf, Duck, Selly and Victor - and their exciting adventures. Can the Robot Trains save the village from the evil dark forces that be?
The year is 2046 and the United Earth government has dissolved into the remnants of the U.E. and The Federation of Independent States. In order to counter the numerical superiority of the Federation and their allies the U.E. hires mercenary star ship crews to supplement their forces. This unit is code named Merc Force. MERCS follows the exploits of the most inept team of Mercenaries led by Primo Corvellie and Brice Creed who just happen to have lucked out and stolen the two most advanced star ships in the galaxy the Artemis and the Caladan.
In 1963, the U.S. government launched a covert space mission sending hundreds of men, women and children on a century-long voyage aboard the starship Ascension to populate a new world. Nearly 50 years into the journey, as they approach the point of no return, a mysterious murder of a young woman causes the ship’s population to question the true nature of their mission.
The speedy blue hedgehog Sonic with sidekick Tails and pals Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman, who is hellbent on taking over the world. Sonic faces regular battles with Eggman's henchmen, including loyal robots Orbot and Cubot, evil interns, and giant, robotic monsters.
In this new series, two years after Ginga's battle with Dark Lugiel ended, Hikaru and Tomoya joined the UPG (Ultra Party Guardians) after countless monster sightings appeared. Also, an Alien Chibu named Exceller plans to steal the Victorium Stone which believed to contained mysterious powers that located deep underground the Victorian civilization. Due to this, Shou, a Victorian Prince was sent by his mother to retrieve it with the help of Victory Lancer which enable him to become the ancient Ultra, Ultraman Victory.
A gate to another dimension has burst open, and from it emerge gigantic invincible creatures that threaten all of humanity. Earth's only defense is a mysterious group of warriors who have co-opted the alien technology in order to fight back!
Twenty years ago, Shokichi Komachi was part of the Bugs 2 mission to Mars that discovered Terra Formars, human-cockroach hybrids that resulted from a terraforming accident. Shokichi was one of only two survivors. Now, the AE virus that came from Mars is raging wildly on earth. Shokichi boards the spacecraft Annex 1 to go back to Mars to find a sample in order to create a vaccine. They will face an unanticipated accident, a multinational conspiracy, and even more advanced Terra Formars.