In 1841 young Ishmael signs aboard the whaling ship Pequod, under the command of the strict, one-legged Capt. Ahab. Ishmael soon finds out that Ahab is searching for the legendary white whale, Moby Dick, who cost Ahab his leg, and he will let nothing stand in the way of getting his revenge on the beast.
When Brer Rabbit learns that Brer Fox is planning to evict Brer Bear on Christmas, he decides to teach the fox a lesson. Brer Rabbit gets the townspeople to stage their own version of "A Christmas Carol" and trick Brer Fox into thinking that the ghost of his friend, Brer Wolf, has returned. The ghost warns Brer Fox to reform his miserly ways by showing him his past, present and future Christmases. Brer Fox is so terrified by these visions he vows to change his ways, and throws a big Christmas party for the whole town.
An animated version of Gaston Leroux's everlasting tale of "The Phantom of the Opera". Christine has been acting strange the last few days: she, first of all, got the lead part on a new opera and she's arrogant with people. A masked Phantom lurking in the shadows is haunting her, keeping her away from other men, striking revenge on the world above, but he also has a good side, a side that was tortured since childhood.
Stanley is no ordinary caveman. He paints pictures, grows flowers, and befriends a quartet of dinosaurs, who help him build the world's first house. Filled with lively music and lots of fun, this program helps viewers discover the value of individuality, manners, friendship and sharing.
Hiawatha is just a boy when his tribe's wise man foretells of a drought that will plague his people. As a man, Hiawatha is chosen to make a perilous journey to far- away White Mountain, where he must learn the secrets of the Great Bear in order to save his tribe from starvation. Along the way, he battles and outwits many legendary creatures of the forest, including the evil Wind Wolves who haunt the forest of night.
Ralph the mouse lives at the Mountain View Inn and loves his motorcycle. When the inn becomes overriden with mice and Ralph's friend Matt the bellboy must leave, Ralph asks his other friend Ryan to take him to school as part of a plan to help Matt.
The tale of Scottish legend Rob Roy MacGregor is retold in beautiful animation. Rob Roy borrows money from the local nobility to buy cattle to increase his status in life. When the money is stolen, he must use the fighting skills he's tried to avoid in order to escape the powerful men who believe he stole the money. Rob Roy begins by fighting for his own survival, as well as his family's, but pretty soon he is fighting for the people of Scotland. Heroism, courage, and sacrifice are at the center of this stirring tale. Rob Roy is a worthy addition to any film library.
The Great Meadow is the home of a beautiful little fairy, named Thumbelina. Tom Thumb is a devoted servant to King Richard. Tom finds out of a plan from the King’s son, Medwin, who wants to build a gigantic castle in the Great Meadow. Tom Thumb and Thumbelina prove that size doesn’t matter and work together to save the Great Meadow.
A young King Arthur is awoken from his sleep by bad dreams, about a boy who is made king because he pulls a sword from a stone. He goes to Merlin to seek his counsel, and Merlin begins a story of his own, about a young boy with strange abilities and visions. The boy, called Emrys, is feared in his village called of as a demon. Eventually, King Vortigern comes and forces his village to build a tower for him. However, the tower crumbles. His wizards advise him to find a demon boy and spill his blood upon the ground. However, when the boy is brought before Vortigern, he predicts that there is a pool of water beneath the foundations of the castle that weaken it. The workers find a pool of water and two strange stones, from which two beasts emerge, a white and a red dragon.
A warm-hearted tale of Omar, the ugly duckling, whose Christmas wish is simply to find a place where he belongs. Hitching a ride to the big city he meets up with a runaway girl and the two discover the true meaning of Christmas.
In this animated version of Charles Dickens' classic novel, we see the story of young Oliver Twist, a boy orphaned at birth and left to grow up under the cruel tutelage of Mr. Bumble, the local parish beadle.
Superman fighting Nazis. Daffy Duck bonking Hitler on the head. This collection counts down the greatest cartoons from World War 2 starring Bugs Bunny, Superman, Daffy Duck, Popeye The Sailor Man and more.
While the funeral of the assassinated Prince Edward, who was the first in line to succeed the throne, is being held, the nobles of the Kingdom of Albion discuss topics such as whether the second-in-line Princess Mary or the third-in-line Duke of Arkham, Prince Richard, will succeed the throne, and how the Duke of Normandy will act.
This collection of "Greatest Cartoons of the Golden Era Volume 3" includes classic cartoons starring Bugs Bunny, Superman, Daffy Duck, Popeye The Sailor Man and more as they go on exciting adventures to new Worlds.
Wonderville's favorite problem-solving duo, Pinkfong and Hogi, assemble a group of friends to produce their first-ever live concert on the big screen. They are coming to the theaters for Pinkfong and Baby Shark fans around the world to give them an unforgettable experience to engage and interact with the Wonderstar characters. Pinkfong Sing-Along Movie 2: Wonderstar Concert is a sequel to the movie Pinkfong & Baby Shark's Space Adventure (2020), which ranked 5th most-watched movie in Netflix Today's Top 10 in the U.S. Come and enjoy the live concert and sing-along to Pinkfong's most popular songs, including the Baby Shark song from the No. 1 most-viewed YouTube video “Baby Shark Dance” with 11.5 billion views, as well as the exciting T-Rex song, the spooky Halloween song, and the refreshing fruit juice song!