The woman walked through the forest and saw that all the animals and birds inside have small copies of themselves… She asked everyone: – “ What have you got there?”, but no one answered her…
Life in the Philippines can be a test in resiliency. Earthquakes, typhoons, volcanic eruptions strike with cyclical regularity. In the time of pandemic, threat to survival has been no more pronounced for the nurses, the frontliners trapped in dire circumstances and suspended dreams.
A mini-animation about how sometimes things take a very long time, whether that be getting over a breakup, or making art. As time moves on, our own feelings shift and we may no longer feel the way we once did.
An Indian Canadian girl lights a diya while visiting her family’s home town, but the flame runs away because the girl is too ashamed of its colour to let it shine. This film explores themes of belonging, cultural identity and guilt while showing off the richness and vibrance of an Indian festival.
The Smortlybacks are peaceful, fantastic-looking creatures, riding through the desert with the leader of their pack: no water, no shrub, no tree in sight! They are all desperate because their water supplies are running out. After a while they reach the shore of a vast sea. A mysterious creature and their magic fish help them cross the ocean.
Margot has been waiting in her house for 40 years. Her waiting morphs into desperate attention seeking. But she does not wait alone. Marie is becoming. Malleable, she tries to fit, slipping through her body and sliding around corners, picking up cues of who and how to be. Marjorie shines effortlessly. Her dream life, her golden exterior, her pretty performance, prove impossible and impermanent. Mother Flower is everything, the beginning and the end. Hers is a body of pure bounty, longed for, nourishing, sheltering. The four women are joined by a chorus of body parts, hands and tongues, mouths and babies, across grandiose performances, staged death scenes, fledgling steps, and displays of fertility and futility, as they reveal how hard it is to be in a body, to be a body.
Explorer Marco Polo is assigned to accompany two priests on a mission to China, to try to convert the "pagan" Kublai Khan to Christianity. However, on a dangerous trek through the mountains, the priests decide they don't believe that China even exists, and when Marco tries to argue the point, they abandon him and turn back. He eventually makes it through the mountains and into the fabled land of China, where he is received at the court of Kublai Khan as an envoy. Accompanied by his faithful servant Pedro, Marco spends 20 years in that country, and when he eventually returns to Europe what he brings with him changes the course of history forever.
The magic started when power was shaped into a gemstone by her scientist father. His goal to make the world a better place was realised with his little girl being transformed by his discovery into Gemphora, the protector of humans and animals.
A robot prototype takes back his mind after being programmed by space pirates. The robot with no name crashes on a planet known as Araxus 8 and must survive a manhunt that was sent on him. He meets a female robot who helps him find a secret gem before it's too late.
In the word of glorious kingdoms of magic, there's a dark secret of a cursed nation. A young enchantress is haunted by this secret. To get her answers, she dares to go on a reckless adventure with a stranger fascinated by the same mystery.
Christmas has finally arrived, and the puppies are helping Matheus decorate the tree. Then, suddenly, everything could change: Nina accidentally breaks the star on the tree and must race against time to save Christmas.
It is 1963, and only one man can catch two of the most dangerous criminals: Swedish detective Agaton Sax. A digitally remastered adventure of doppelgangers, crime solving computers, and criminal jazz bands awaits with a full newly recorded soundtrack!