PEEP! PEEP! According to Sir Topham Hatt: "Helping out is one of the best ways to show that you're a Really Useful Engine." That's why it's so important for Thomas to race to the rescue when one of his friends needs a "helping hand," or in Thomas' case, a "helping buffer." This special collection of stories highlights your Sodor friends proving that sometimes friendship is stronger than fear as they help out those in need. Remember when Trevor was almost scrapped? Cheer on Thomas, Harold, Terence and Percy as they rescue villagers from a heavy snowfall, and find out what happens down at the mine. All aboard for non-stop fun and excitement! Our Story Stops Are: Edward Helps Out; Foolish Freight Cars; Thomas, Percy and the Mail Train; Thomas Breaks the Rules; Down the Mine; Percy's Promise; Trouble in the Shed; Donald and Douglas Saved from Scrap; Bertie's Chase; Thomas and Percy's Mountain Adventure.
65 million years ago, a Tyrannosaurus Rex pup is separated from his parents and his clan. In order to find them, he must brave erupting volcanoes, stampedes, and attacks from determined predators. Along the way, he befriends a young Triceratops, a band of prancing Oviraptors, and a family of Ankylosaurs, who all help him on his journey. But when he finally finds his family, about to go to war with a rival clan of T-Rex, the loyalties he has earned, and the skills he has learned from his adventures, help save the day.
Interplanetary mutant dinosaurs unite to defend the universe from the tyrannical Plutonian Dominion, befriend sentient alien beings and consummate the ultimate mango smoothie.
Reverses the role of hunter and hunted. It is a simple story about a bear who gets a hunting license and goes to the city to hunt man. It is animated by drawings of pencil crayon on white paper.
Meet Emma, a little girl on vacation off the island of St. Thomas, who discovers magical sea-grass that gives her the power to talk to sea life. Soon enough, Emma has a new group of sea-critter friends. Together, they set off on a grand adventure to find buried treasure, while learning important lessons about friendship, self-confidence, protecting the environment, and the power of imagination.
The poor ghost of Sir Simon Canterville has been roaming his castle searching in vain for a brave descendant who will release him from the Canterville curse by performing a brave deed. An American family moves in and finds the ghost amusing, but a young girl in the family can release him - if she dares.
Using original animation, archival footage and personal interviews, this full-length documentary portrays the multiple relationships Canadian Muslim women entertain with Islam’s place of worship, the mosque. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. In North America, a large number of converts are women. Many are drawn to the religion because of its emphasis on social justice and spiritual equality between the sexes. Yet, many mosques force women to pray behind barriers, separate from men, and some do not even permit women to enter the building. Exploring all sides of the issue, the film examines the space – both physical and social – granted to women in mosques across the country.
A small robot, destined to be one more in an automaton factory, finds a precious object that makes him deviate from the stipulated path. The factory removes the object for going against the norm. So the little robot will try to get it back no matter what, and learn the true value of the object along the way.
Micah, a poor shepherd boy and his sister Rachel set out to find the treasure of a lifetime, after Roman tax collectors all but destroy Micah's home and property when his family is unable to pay. Angered by the callousness of Rome, and frustrated by his own, near penniless condition, Micah vows, "If I have to fight or steal to be rich...I'll do it!" Micah and Rachel experience a number of peculiar characters and unusual events on their journey, as they follow a brilliant star which beckons them to Bethlehem, where, they are convinced treasure awaits. Meanwhile in Jerusalem, His Highness Herod the Great is outraged and threatened by news from his chief astrologer that the bright star is a sign that a "Messiah" will be born. As the drama of the story builds, Micah is faced with the most important decision of his life. Will he trade information as to the whereabouts of the "Messiah" baby, in exchange for the riches and gold he has longed for? Or, will he find a greater treasure?