When a troubled model takes a new drug at a party, she suffers a shocking transformation. Pursued by authorities and a dangerous gang, she hunts for a fix to reverse these effects, only to discover her mutations could save the human race.
To make ends meet, Tom signs on as a guinea pig at a home-based lab, but when he commits a crime he cannot remember, he must risk his own sanity to reveal the truth.
Jian is a counter terrorism agent who blends his skills as a martial artist and clairvoyant to bring the world's most nefarious individuals to justice. This lone wolf is is forced to make an unexpected detour to Los Angeles upon receipt of the devastating news of a cover up surrounding his brother's alleged suicide. With the reluctant help of LAPD detectives, Abby, Carl, and Captain Duke, the unlikely group become involved in the investigation. Jian and Abby fight against a high-tech criminal looking to exploit the brothers' gifts in his own quest to power.
After an alien spacecraft destroys Washington, D.C., the residents of a small town must fight off a unit of alien soldiers on the hunt for the President of the United States and the mysterious device he's carrying after his escape chopper crash lands nearby.
A recap of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion episodes 18–41, with new footage. Now the masked rebel Zero, Lelouch strives to strengthen the Black Knights' resistance movement. but third princess Euphemia is also forming a Specially Administrated Zone of Japan.
In a post-nuclear, oxygen-ridden future, humble cleaner Juliette has her loyalties tested when she falls for Adam, a captive merman whose gills are mankind's last hope for survival.
When a young female scientist discovers that the pharmaceutical company she works for had developed a cure for cancer years earlier, she attempts to release it to the world. Knowing that they make more money from chemotherapy drugs than the cure, the company does everything it can to stop her.
Deep in the Himalayas, a group of sherpas kills a gigantic humanoid creature. Convinced that it is the legendary Yeti, Dr. Claire Collier organizes an expedition with her former student Matt Connor and hunter Rondo Montana, among others, to search for more specimens. But what awaits them is something that none of them could have imagined. A colorful fusion of real image and stop-motion that is reminiscent of fantastic films from the 1980s.
The God of Thunder, Thor, uses his divine will to empower his descendant Grant Farrel with the ability to harness the power of the heavens. It now falls to this new hero to keep the peace and stop Hell from coming to Earth.
In a hellish future where human beings have become stupefied by the state of permanent happiness they have been genetically altered to experience, Jack offers relief via drugs that cause his customers the welcome phenomenon of pain. But when Jack receives a mysterious videotape of his dead father, he sets out to unmask the dangerous conspiracy that has created this dystopian world.
When an alien contagion is released aboard a spaceship transforming its victims into demonic flesh-eaters, the crew must either destroy the infected or join them.
Astronomer Shinichi Tachibana has a secret identity as the superhero "Iron Sharp" and is well beloved by children. When they are attacked by a group of metallic aliens, Iron Sharp drives the aliens away. The resourceful Tachibana helps develop an electric barrier to block the aliens from coming to the Earth. After several losses by the aliens, they announce that they will invade the Earth, throwing the world into a state of panic.
A religious brother and sister endure alone together in the post-apocalyptic Outback, until the sudden arrival of a stranger who helps them build a crude plane to fly out of the desert.
Laura, a French programmer, inherits the task of creating a game about the World War II Battle of Okinawa. Her research and interviews with Japanese experts and witnesses prompt her to reflect on life, humanity, and the lasting influence of history and memories.