It’s Christmas time at the marsh and McBroom the dung beetle has decided to play Santa and give gifts to all the creatures of the pond. However when Bartle Bee and Flyby discover their presents are dung balls, they are less than satisfied. McBroom knows he will have to learn more about Santa and gift giving if he surely wants to give a memorable Christmas to all those at the pond.
A small boy's enchantment with a city's snowfall has him making snow angels and snowballs, sliding down snow mountains - and looking forward to going outside again.
Antoine, a boy living in Northern France at the outbreak of World War II, takes on the challenge of defending the family home after his father is drafted and sent to the Maginot Line. With the aid of his accomplices, war veteran Grandpa and imaginary friend Napoleon, Antoine digs trenches and stands guard by an old cannon in the front yard. Tensions mount just as the Nazis break through the Maginot Line, and the invading troops pass in front of the family home.
On the verge of leaving for basic training in the Army, a teenaged girl spends her last week at home trying to make sure it will be the same place when she returns.
The Pilgrim's Progress meets The Little Rascals in this engaging story that features an all-child cast. After a daring escape from Ravenshead Prison, Sam must outrun the relentless wardens. Thankfully, the City of Refuge Guide Service is there to help her to freedom, but with every guide already busy, the accident-prone janitor, Henry, gets his long-awaited first assignment. Join Sam and Henry as they experience hair-breadth escapes, hilarious mishaps, and a climactic pursuit in this action-packed adventure that features a unique, all-children cast.
It's time for everyone to help out as best they can in these three delightful Strawberry Shortcake episodes. It's Strawberry to the rescue in "Babysitter Blues" when the princess asks her to look after a very special Baby Berrykin. Orange and Lemon take on the role of "Fashion Elves" in "A Stitch of Time" to help Raspberry with her fashion design dreams. And there's no place like home when Orange adopts a bitty fish that turns out to be a homesick tadpole. Join in the sparkly fun as the girls learn that lending a helping hand can be a berry big deal indeed!
Follow one man's 11,000 mile, 40 day journey across the American landscape to visit twenty families and individuals affected by autism while searching for answers for his own son. With interviews from around the nation that include the widest spectrum of backgrounds - each conducted in the participants' original language - the film weaves a broad and compelling tapestry across the spectrum of American life in all its faiths, disparities, colors, and cultures. What he learns along the way will change not only his life, but the lives of those he meets, forever. It's a story about the best days that still lie ahead for our nation, the families, and the people who give America its heart.
A group of elementary-school children in small-town Georgia form a special club with the goal of becoming as wise as Solomon. Almost before they begin, however, they stumble upon a man in the woods who is speaking in strange voices--and he sounds dangerous! They immediately take it upon themselves to investigate and soon find themselves in trouble.
Fairy Dancing is perfect for any child who loves to sing and loves to dance! When Harmony and Rhapsody discover tiny ballet slippers, they remember childhood days of fairy ballet, and decide to spend the whole day dancing with their friends. From jazz to tap, tango to rock ‘n roll, bootscooting to ballet, the fairies discover so many different kinds of fan-fairy-tastic songs and dances. Featuring all of the Fairyland friends dancing through the Snuggery, Elf’s kitchen, the vibrant Fairyland and the top of the garden, Fairy Dancing is full of beauty and friendship and the sprinkling of glitter and magic that is The Fairies.
It's Christmas in Toronto, 1978. Eight-year-old Meehee Park longs for two things: to make her mother happy and to get a Cindy doll from Santa. But she soon realizes that Santa isn't real and her parents are struggling to make ends meet. This distresses Meehee to no end, that is until one fateful day when she comes across a neighbourhood auction that will pit her two greatest desires, leaving Meehee to choose between dreams of the past and fitting in with the present.
A wealthy wife and a failing businessman on a quest for answers, journey in different ways, to a path to higher consciousness. Their hunger for understanding and spiritual being leads them to a phenomena that has existed since the beginning of man. It is self evident that all men are created equal, yet some perform extraordinary achievements and others live a life of emptiness never reaching their full potential. There is a force that everyone is entitled to, that can bring the fulfillment their lives desire. That evolutionary force is Kundalini. Beyond science, beyond religion; Kundalini is the SOURCE of the FORCE. This untapped powerful resource available for centuries within every human body is still unexplained, mysterious and kept secret till today.
Few words pack a lot of punch in this delightful story about bedtime rituals. There will be no pouting or shouting or moping or moaning when the lights go out because dinosaur kids everywhere will want to see this production again and again.