In Chang'an, a fire broke out in the Qinglou Zuiyue Royal Academy, and the Top 1 girl, Jingyue, was burned to death. What was supposed to be an unsurprising case alarmed Yang Wenxian, the Eunuch of Shen Ce Army. Pei Jun of the Dali Temple (Court of Judicature and Revision) asked his friend Su Yannan to help investigate the case. Su discovered that there was a bigger conspiracy behind this.
A young martial artist battles three traitors to retrieve a list of Chinese citizens who are collaborating with the Japanese during their occupation of Manchuria.
Connie Ferrantti leaves her husband to become superhero Furie in a comic book where she moves inside panels and between page turns. She joins a team of working class masked avengers, The Crusaders, lead by The Ace of Spades, a superhero from the golden age.
Meet Cody Black. A man who makes a living robbing other people's homes. Coming home early to his girlfriend Keela and his friend Sean, his life makes a turn when a group of men invade his home. Being held hostage with his girl and best friend, Cody learns the captors intentions as he figures a way out of this without involving the police or revealing his own occupation.