Hoist anchor, maties! And set a course for the grandest pirate yarn ever to shiver your timbers in this thrillingly animated, song- and –laughter filled version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s swashbuckling adventure classic!
People often found themselves speechless when they came face-to-face with the wisdom of Jesus—from the learned rabbis in the temple who were astonished at the words of a 12-year-old Jesus, to the victory over Satan who unsuccessfully tempted the Savior even after He had grown pale with hunger from a 40-day fast. This story begins with Jesus’ early years and follows with His triumph over Satan, marking the beginning of His ministry.
A little girl discovers a town that has never heard of Christmas before and decides to help them celebrate their very first christmas in this animated children's adventure.
‘Hands up, it’s a holdup!’ – is what two women who decided to rob a bank could have shouted. But they took the money without uttering a word, got into a convertible and darted away. This story begins like an enhanced version of ‘Thelma and Louise’; however, it progresses towards a completely different, unexpected finale.
Year 2145. The discovery of gravitonium allows humans to increase their physical and brain capacities tenfold, leading to a wave of intergalactic exploration that has led to colonies across the universe. In touch with new forms of life, the humans created "The Alliance," a special unit in charge of the regulation of resources and intergalactic conflicts. But the Saurian race, aliens dependent upon gravitonium, jeopardize the balance in the universe. When The Alliance's Espérance ship is attacked, two Alliance Space Agents are tasked to secure the ship. On board, the future of all mankind is at stake.
After the Industrial Revolution, the division of labour became clearer. Many people have to work in one position for a long time. Unfortunately, not everyone is satisfied with their work. Did primitive people have similar problems as workers in modern society? We interviewed five of them, let’s see what they said.
John sees an extraordinary sight: Titi his parakeet opening the door to own his cage, all by himself! Yet the bird doesn’t fly away. While John tries to understand why, he is swept away into a magical world where Titi can reveal his weaknesses and fears, and John can help him overcome them. As they travel together across breathtaking landscapes, their friendship grows, and they learn that saying goodbye is not a final farewell.
Six fantasy, supernatural, dramedy tales that are: A little spooky, a little scary, and a little funny. So sit back and pay attention because shhh... it’s Storytime.
When Mr. Owl, the wisest bird in Fairytale World asks young Robin Hood to save Alice from the belly of the Queen Of Hearts, the little hero jumps at the chance! Will Robin Hood and the heroes of the Fairytale Fun Force save Alice? Join your favorite fairytale characters to find out in Robin Hood And The Fairytale Fun Force!
10 years from now, a virus decimates all the world's living creatures. Facing a total extinction event a brilliant geneticist discovers a miracle vaccine that is fast tracked into production, saving the final remnants of humanity. Unfortunately there's one side effect - the vaccine completely erases all memory of surfing from the human mind. Now, it's up to the Surf God Hughie to pull together a team of former greats - guys who dominated the riding of ocean waves - in a last ditch effort to save surfing. Can this bunch of forgotten outcasts work together to create the Greatest Surf Movie in the Universe?
Milton, a lonely golden toad whose species are on the verge of extinction, finds himself in two minds when he realizes that his only potential mate is in the captivity of a group of human beings.
VS slashes again with Volume 2. Xu Xang is back and ready to slice and dice. The Sarri and the Terraven continue to fight. Goddess of Sarri and the other Gods match up Sarri and Terraven fighters as a sport for their own personal enjoyment as they use the world as one big fighting boxing ring. Both sides were created for the sole purpose to fight. Xu Xang will also have to battle her inner demon. Her Nemesis.
Emma works for NOAA as a diver and researcher. She is put on a mission to find mysterious blue pearls in the deep Caribbean seas, but first, she needs to call upon her octopus and starfish friends, from the past, to help.