A loner by trade, Matt begins begins his first day at Escape Room Austin, a local mom and pop that’s in danger of being bought out by the Corporate Escape Room next door. Home to a tight-knit group of misfits, weirdos and gamers, this tenacious and hearty group hatch a plan to save Escape Room Austin from a corporate demise.
Part of the charm of Yakov Smirnoff's comedy lies in his inspiring and humbling story. From fleeing from the USSR to his newfound life as an American citizen, you'll love hearing his hilarious and heartwarming stories in this special.
The mockumentary tells the story of a friendship between eleven lifelong friends within a virtual wrestling federation that exists for more than ten years.
"Probability" (1985) presents a series of handmade signs featuring wild headlines taken from the tabloid "Weekly World News". Stark temporarily intervenes into the everyday scene of a bustling corner of San Francisco’s Financial District where he held a day job.
Sure, a quick stop at the local fast food restaurant may seem harmless enough, but a mysterious contamination of the burger meat makes digesting that meaty goodness into a messy nightmare.
"Everything Moves Alone" opens in a sleepy New England town where Scotch, a recently discharged soldier, arrives at a bus depot with the vague plan of crashing with his long-estranged older brother. Scotch spies a creepy yet interesting character stealing luggage, who then offers Scotch a ride into town if he will assist in dropping dirt and a frog-shaped flower pot into another man's car. Scotch, who is clearly several cards short of a full deck, complies and immediately earns the wrath of the car owner McDunley, a bearish sourpuss who runs the local video store and who has a mysterious long-running feud with Anderson, the luggage-thief who quickly becomes Scotch's new best friend.
Joshua T Fonokalafi is a Utah based comedian from the mean streets of Ogden, Utahs own Compton. Raised in the Northwest and the son of an Islander immigrant, Joshua tells of his hardships growing up as one of the biggest minorities in the country.
The Award-Winning One-Man Show of Jason Hewlett The Entertainer will have you laughing until it hurts. Comedy, Music, Impressions, and Standing Ovations make Jason the perfect entertainer.
In this dark comedy, an idealistic young man volunteers at a crisis counseling center staffed by a group of con artists, low lifes, and misfits and discovers that before he can save the world, he may have to save himself.