Marlon, a young African-American finance wunderkind who specializes in "Monte Carlo" mathematical methods, meets Margot, a mysterious woman from Los Angeles who has just landed in NY. Will he follow his heart or will he just ignore the moment?
A suicidal paediatric surgeon finds a new lease of life, when he meets a charismatic free spirited woman in a bar while drowning his sorrows after one of his dearest patients dies.
When Margartia's dreams, to become a famous cook come to a crumbing halt when immigration kicks her out of the country - her arrival in Venezuela is painful. Little does she know that the famous English chef, Paul Welsare, is about to arrive in Venezuela and this will give her the opportunity to dream again.
In the Durban South Basin, Themba lives with his father near to an oil refinery. He’s in love with Khanya, his best friend. Khanya has a new boyfriend, KG, who promises her a safe future. The more their relationship grows, the more Themba must fight to get her back, until he goes one step too far.
A young, vibrant, character driven comedy set against the backdrop of a British University. Two students decide to make their own unique brand of L.S.D to pay off their tuition fees, and ultimately try and stay in school.
The story follows two high school best friends, Sam and Cassie nearing the end of the term. Cassie admires a school mate John. And when John enters Cassie's life, the girls relationship takes an unexpected turn.
Set in 1940s England, an odd group of explorers earn the chance to go on an expedition to the Moon along with a reward cash prize. Meanwhile the mines have been closed, and thousands of workers are out of work. Joe (miner) decides to sneak onto the rocket in order to save the mine, but much to his surprise, he lands himself, the explorers, and the moon aliens in grave danger, so it's up to Joe to save the day and the mines.
Three couples go on a one day retreat, working through issues that could bring them to hate, but instead, they see each other through new eyes with laughter, tears and love along the way.
Mike and Alanna drove a motorbike and sidecar from Alaska to Argentina and interviewed 120 couples about how to stay together for life. They also subjected themselves to scientific tests, to see if their marriage would last. They found out the results at the end of the road...