When an accident leaves a group of researchers trapped beneath the earth's crust, it's up to a drill team, led by Joseph Harnet, to rescue them. But once underground, the team discovers a mysterious -- and horrifying -- subterranean universe.
Narcotics agent Tom Wilde is given a second chance at life after being shot and killed. In a futuristic experiment, agent Wilde is returned to life as an Android Robot. He is sent on a very dangerous mission into the depths of the golden Triangle to rescue Sophie, a beautiful undercover agent who has been captured by the evil drug warlord Mr. Young and his inhuman creation the Vampire Beast.
From deep within the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, Professor Douglas McCadden ships the coffin of Ankh-Vanharis to the California Institute of Sciences where X-rays reveal five diamond-like crystals hidden within the coffin. Technician Peter Sharpe steals the crystals but doesn't notice that the powerful X-ray has revived a green fungus. When the coffin is opened at a university press conference, the reporters uncover more than they bargained for. The mummy has disappeared... and the Time Walker is alive again!
A catastrophic train derailment sends the city spiraling into chaos. But the derailment is just the beginning. A biological gas attack sees crash survivors collapsing and dying within minutes. And the sickness is rapidly spreading.
Man has finally conquered the ocean. America's first self-contained undersea laboratory is the pride of the nation, and expectations are high for an elaborate undersea mining operation. What wasn't expected was the inhabitants of an undiscovered world.
A series of hideous murders is taking place, and Inspector Capell and cop-turned-novelist Lonergan are investigating. The murders are found to be the work of an out-of-control experiment in genetic engineering. The two men must descend into the city's sewer systems to destroy the horrific miscreation. It won't be hard to find, as it's already looking for its next victims...
A geneticist wakes up from an accident with only fragments of his memory intact and is forced to relearn who he is via his twin brother. But as he digs deeper, he discovers he might not be who he thought at all.
In a universe where the Cold War never ended and growing conflicts result in the rapid advancement of technological warfare, the cyborg spy Mylene Hoffman of the 00 Organization battles the agents of the Eastern block in a game of high tech espionage.
Tasmanian Devil Synopsis: Danica McKellar (“The Wonder Years,” “The West Wing”) and Olympic speed skating champion Apolo Ohno take on a deadly mythical beast in the new Syfy Saturday Original Movie “Tasmanian Devil.”
Several characters who are each at critical stages of their lives are strangely impelled towards an uncharted lake in the middle of the desert where they all have the opportunity to save each other.
For devilishly mad "astro-scientist" Dr. DeMarco (John Carradine), a typical day involves run-ins with reanimated corpses, bloodthirsty solar-powered killer robot zombies, Chinese communist spies and vicious Mexican secret agents. But when a bloody trail of young female murder victims leads an intrepid CIA agent to his door, things get really interesting. Ted V. Mikels directs this unique B horror-thriller.
A tale of twin girls, Dóra and Lili, who are born in 1880 Budapest at the same moment Thomas Edison presents his electric lightbulb to the world. The sisters are soon orphaned and separated in childhood, and follow different paths: one grows up to be a naïvely idealistic, bomb-toting anarchist, the other a pampered, hedonistic courtesan. Their paths cross once again on the Orient Express on New Year's Eve 1899...
Corporate smuggling of South American killer bees into the United States results in huge swarms terrorizing the northern hemisphere. A small team of scientists work desperately to destroy the threat, but the bees soon mutate into a super-intelligent species that threatens the world.
Using fossilized DNA, a scientist resurrects one of nature's most fearsome predators, a sabretooth tiger. Scientific ambition turns deadly, however, when the creature escapes and begins savagely stalking its prey - the human race.
In a distant future, a mysterious boy becomes the central figure in the search for a new hope. Who is this kid? Why is everyone looking for it? Sometimes it is better not to know certain answers…
Earth has completely succumbed to an alien invasion, and the planet, which was once everyone's home, has become a hell. To stop the monsters from invading, the guard troops formed by different countries have disregarded their personal safety to defend what is left. Cheng Ling, who barely survived the times by scavenging from the garbage, met Zhu Rong's team when he was being attacked by an alien hellhound. With the help of Gao Ren and the others, Cheng Ling believes that it's destiny that leads him here, so he decided to accept the mission to destroy the aliens' evil plans and search for new hope for humanity. Along the way, the team was encircled by the plunderers and chased by hellhounds. They met Dr. Dojepamo, who had mastered the technology to subdue the hellhounds. When the group finally arrived at the resistance point, they discovered that the so-called resistance point was just a trap set by the hellhound hunters. The real danger has just begun...