A magician with a mysterious secret lives alone with his jaguar, Shadow, in the Spooky House, an old mansion rigged with magic tricks and hidden chambers.
In the 13th century, Walter of Gurnie, a disinherited Saxon youth, is forced to flee England. With his friend, Tristram, he falls in with the army of the fierce but avuncular General Bayan, and journeys all the way to China, where both men become involved in intrigues in the court of Kublai Khan.
A true-life epic that revolves around an exclusive bataillon of the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II, "Carlson's Raiders," whose assignment is to take control of a South Pacific island once possessed by the United States but now under Japanese command.
Baadshah Khan falls in love with Benazir, a member of a rival clan who has defeated him in a game of buzkashi. Benazir will not marry him unless he brings back the head of her father's killer, Habibullah, from India. He is successful, but he must return to India. He is then tragically separated from Benazir through a series of incidents that are only resolved years later with the arrival of his daughter, Menhdi, and his release from prison.
On the lazy banks of the Mississippi, a young girl is reunited with her time-served but innocent father. But the reunion is tainted with the whereabouts of the stolen loot, and those who come looking for it...
When an ancient rogue monster threatens existence, only the scrappy multi-national team P.H.A.S.E. can stop him. But their newest recruit holds a stunning secret. Against impossible odds, this lonely, conflicted, difficult, and altogether human team must band together to save the world.
Everyone knows the stories of Robin Hood and Maid Marian, but this the story of what happens next. Out of the shadows, a legend returns to save her people from the tyranny of the disgraced Sheriff of Nottingham. Robin Hood remains at war and Marian must put her own combat skills to the test, creating a new tale that will be heralded throughout the ages.
Melanie is a new pupil at the Otto Leonhard High School, and Felix takes a real shine to this newbie, much to the annoyance of Ella and Felix’s gang. They believe that Melanie is responsible for a number of small thefts that have been happening at the school since she arrived. Events take a drastic turn when the class goes on a school trip...
When Freddy Lupin's wayward wish transforms him into a werewolf and deposits a mischievous moon sprite on Earth, Freddy must restore the cosmic order before the earth and moon collide.
Far from intensive farming and industrial output, a revolution is already under way; good red meat has become a rare, indeed, luxury product. But where is the world's best steak found? Franck Ribière and his favorite butcher, Yves-Marie Le Bourdonnec, generous, charming, and ecological, set out to meet the new players in the field to try to understand what makes a cut of meat good.
A vicious beaver blankets the jungle with a dangerous pink substance that explodes when coming into contact with water. With the rainy season approaching, the miscellaneous team of animals must hurry to find the antidote.
In the twenty years since the fall of Camelot, Merlin has become a recluse known as "the wild man of the woods." He is now summoned by a charge of young knights as they quest to destroy an evil wizard who rules the land from a throne of a "New Camelot."
Digging at a nearby cave, a careless industrialist unearths a vein of pure base Lithium and inadvertently brings it to the surface, where the Lithium combusts when coming into contact with water and begins to wreak havoc on the country side.
Indian aristocrat Rama Safti returns from medical training in the U.S. to give his life to the poor folk of Ranchipur. Lady Edwina and her drunken artist ex-lover Tom Ransome get in the way, but everyone shapes up when faced by earthquake, flooding, and plague.
During the Mayflower pilgrims' long voyage across the Atlantic Ocean on their way to America, Captain Christopher Jones falls in love with William Bradford's wife Dorothy.
You'll be captivated as you track the legendary Lobo through an amazing Southwest adventure. Our story begins with Lobo as an adorable wolf cub and follows his growth into a fearless and majestic leader of the pack. At odds with the local cattlemen, the price on Lobo's head grows, attracting an expert wolf hunter. As they go head to head, Lobo's amazing survival instincts and family devotion leave the hunter with nothing but respect. With the rich narration of Rex Allen, and music from the legendary Sherman Brothers and the popular Sons Of The Pioneers, this is family entertainment at its best!