Kenny and Giselle are set to marry on a beach in Puerto Rico. Giselle disappears on the day of the ceremony, setting off a wild chain of events that unearths secrets, lies and betrayal, and threatens to destroy the fairy-tale love story.
A mysterious man arrives in Houston, and gets the opportunity of a lifetime, when Ice, a pretty hooker with considerable business acumen, gives him the name Platinum and teaches him the pimp game. Platinum quickly becomes the coldest pimp in the city, until his disturbing past catches up to him, and he kills the niece of a very powerful drug dealer, The Word. The Word wastes no time aiming his revenge at Platinum, and everyone he knows.
Amber, Naomi and Morgan have been close friends since high school. Now twenty years into their friendship, a typical girls' night out becomes anything but when loyalties are compromised, dark secrets are revealed, and traumatic truths are told.
Regular guy, Mike, mistakenly receives a package from a crew member of notorious drug dealer, Big Black, while at work. With his best friend, JD, by his side, the the two must figure what to do: return the package or sell it themselves. With a child to look after and provide for, what should be a simple decision, turns out to be a lot more complicated.
Under the guidance of a clinical therapist, a detective leads a suspect into his unconscious to unlock the forgotten memories that caused him to lose touch with reality.
After her mother's sudden death, ten-year-old Moja becomes the unexpected grown-up of her fragmented family, trying to bring her troubled older sister Vesna and distant father together.
When a young mother, Kelli loses her infant son to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) she severs ties with her life and begins living in her car. Trying to process her grief in isolation, she runs into a teen mother, Esther and the two begin a journey of healing across the American West.
In a post-pandemic world, a grieving young widow struggling with her own self-destruction, fights to save people as part of a crisis response team. Embedded with the fire department, she is battling the men who don't want her there, the clients who fight her tooth and nail, and her own wounded psyche. She wants to save the world, if the job doesn't kill her first
Zori Johnson falls in love hard and fast, yet always seems to be hurt by those closest to her. When she meets the man of her dreams, their love connection spurs her to open her heart once again. But at what cost?
A wounded Civil War soldier wakes up to find the war has ended and his rescuer is an unexpected friend God has sent, a Saint Bernard who saves him and shows him the path to home. But can he overcome the scars of war and learn to love again?
After reuniting, Sarah tells her brother Stephen that she's pregnant. Stephen will do his best to help raise it with her, even with many obstacles in the way.
Faith comes home after learning of her father's tragic death. She must choose between finishing her education and taking over his ministry. Struggling to cope with his passing, she has an unwanted visitor to guide her through her pain.
When a small-town cocktail-enthusiast decides to kill himself after being diagnosed with a terminal illness he must deal with the repercussion his choice has on his son and his community.
Torn by her Christmas past, Jessica tries her best to get through the holidays without being reminded of it, although the powers that be have other things in store for her this season.
Karen Williams, a trauma therapist, has witnessed firsthand the special courage that shapes those who work in emergency services. But when her husband, a career firefighter, returns from a life-changing blaze, and she discovers that a degree and years of counseling first responders has done little to personally prepare her to help her husband’s battle with PTSD. Unable to see a path to save her marriage, she turns to God and celebrates the truth that through Him all things are possible. Perhaps no one knows this better than the brave men and women who provide emergency services: the ones we call “first responders.”
Ria, a seven-year-old girl growing up in a village, is led by her mother to a place where a group of women from her community await her. Here she is mutilated by an unqualified cutter, who completes the cultural FGM-ritual that ensures she will one day be taken as a wife. The child, once old enough, goes on to be forcibly married and moved away from her family to the England. Eventually, Ria seeks help in escaping the life she is trapped in, but the life of her two younger sisters hang in the balance. Can she change her elders' minds and prevent them from being led down the same path? Or will they become three more of 200 million women across the globe whose wings have been crushed by FGM?