Short - This delightful adaptation follows Gertrude and George the Dancing Frog on a whirlwind theatrical tour. - Amanda Plummer, Heidi Stallings, Edna Harris
One summer afternoon in 1907, Abel and his wife (both mice) are picnicking, when they become separated during a violent rainstorm. After flying some distance, Abel discovers himself alone on a river island, unable to swim due to the powerful current. Abel periodically attempts to leave the island by various means: flying on a leaf, rowing a crudely fashioned boat, etc. Meanwhile, he tries to create a normal life of sorts, even learning to enjoy a new hobby: sculpture. Still, Abel's goal is to escape the island and rejoin his wife in the city.
John the Baptist is a story of courage and conviction seen through the life of one of God’s greatest prophets who gave everything to prepare the way for the Lord. It begins with the blessing John’s birth was to his aged parents. John grows in strength and integrity as he stands against political and spiritual adversity to preach the coming of the Lord. Finally, John beholds and baptizes Jesus, the Lamb of God.
‘Hands up, it’s a holdup!’ – is what two women who decided to rob a bank could have shouted. But they took the money without uttering a word, got into a convertible and darted away. This story begins like an enhanced version of ‘Thelma and Louise’; however, it progresses towards a completely different, unexpected finale.
Cleto Acosta-McKillop’s 8-minute Kintsugi uses the philosophy behind the Japanese practice to craft a film about shifting times. A larger economic change is seen through the eyes of a traditional Japanese good luck cat. What is to become of the old, simple cat at the simple ramen restaurant when a shiny new restaurant with a shiny, new cat opens shop next door?
The woman walked through the forest and saw that all the animals and birds inside have small copies of themselves… She asked everyone: – “ What have you got there?”, but no one answered her…
Lux's hero piece for the #IStandWithCaster campaign is an action-packed film that features Caster Semenya's struggle to be allowed to compete, and the incredible capacities of professional athletes.
The Smortlybacks are peaceful, fantastic-looking creatures, riding through the desert with the leader of their pack: no water, no shrub, no tree in sight! They are all desperate because their water supplies are running out. After a while they reach the shore of a vast sea. A mysterious creature and their magic fish help them cross the ocean.
Milton, a lonely golden toad whose species are on the verge of extinction, finds himself in two minds when he realizes that his only potential mate is in the captivity of a group of human beings.
A film by Robert Kolodny using poems and sounds of Cecilia Vicuña and auditory landscapes of musician Ricardo Gallo, telling the story of the death of the Earth's pollinating insects.
A young Polish partisan flees from the Warsaw Uprising. Whilst hiding in the yard of a countryside manor, he is chased up a tree by a large wolfhound. With his rifle out of reach, there seems to be no way to escape his predicament.
In 1882, the United States Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, the law that restricted immigration based explicitly on nationality. In practice, the Act banned entry to anyone who was Chinese.
Amos McGee is a zookeeper who always makes time for his animal friends. One day, when his sniffles and sneezes prevent him from going to the zoo, he receives some unexpected guests.
Her bright world became dark after losing sight. One day, She met him, the person she had loved when she still could see…During the short conversation, she could feel the temperature, smell, vision and state of mind, in this extravagantly ordinary night.
This is a story about a princess who has such a difficult life because of her enormous height. In an attempt to marry his daughter, the king throws a ball. But in horror, all the suitors scatter. Despair and chance lead the old lady to where she finds her happiness.