On the verge of being broke, a sock shop owner enters a vlog contest where she has to date twelve men with different zodiac signs and prove that love compatibility based on zodiac sign is just a myth. After the contest is done, will she discover that the myth is in fact true, or would she break it and find Mr. Right?
A deadly virus has forced humanity into its four walls, but life must go on. The answer to this problem is our dummies, mechanical effigies that allow us to live through them. But the solution, although it was once described as temporary, seems more permanent than ever.
The film was made in the context of the 5th Panorama Film School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the theme DEACTIVATION.
Four young adults of different backgrounds and social standing are destined to come together and affect one another's lives. They fall in love but not without the problems that cause their separation.