The Darling family children receive a visit from Peter Pan, who takes them to Never Never Land where an ongoing war with the evil Pirate Captain Hook is taking place.
Nina is a reporter who works in a Latin American country at war when she finds herself trapped in the line of fire and hires a mercenary pilot named Victor to help her escape the place, but the plane is attacked and the journalist and pilot have to parachute off the plane. They fall into the sea but with a life raft they make it to the jungle, where they have to coexist and she learns to survive.
In 1994, New Zealand mountaineer, Mark Whetu, summitted Mt Everest with climbing partner and friend Mike Reinberger. However it was late in the day and after a freezing night on the summit, Whetu was faced with a terrible leave Reinberger or stay with him forever.
After spending some time with the Mennonite community in Chihuahua, Reynaldo Olmos goes back to Mexico City and establishes a ministry in the poorest of poor neighborhoods. Is he sincere, or is this a scam?
Junga Dick Sands takes the place of the dead captain and brings the Pilgrim ship to Africa, and not to America, as the vile villain and slave trader Negoro put an ax under the compass. So the fifteen-year-old captain, the wife of the shipowner with his young son, the professor and the crew were captured by the villains who profit from living goods.
Margaret Reed, a wealthy and proud woman of Chicago unwillingly finds herself a member of the Donner party - a group of pioneers making their way to California by covered wagon in the summer of 1846. One by one the odds begin to stack against Margaret and her family as precious days slip away and an early winter storm closes the passes through the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Trapped without adequate food and supplies, Margaret struggles to keep her family alive.
At the turn of the twentieth century a young merchant is abducted by a group of brigands who are sheltered in a remote mountainous area of Greece aiming to extract ransom from his wealthy family. The young man develops a kind of sympathy to the arch-brigand and realizes that the underground life and moral code of his kidnappers actually represent a more genuine expression of “New Hellenism” than his bourgeois well-being.
Based on the novel Tottòi by Gianni Padoan. Sardinia is abundant in beautiful beaches and mysterious caves which are known as the habitat of a peculiar kind of seal on the verge of extinction. After moving to this island, Tottoi, fascinated by nature, visits different beaches and caves everyday. When he finds a seal cub and its mother in an isolated cave, he is surprised by the humorous movements and innocence of the cub and the dignity of its mother. Tottoi soon becomes attached to the seals, but his secret is revealed to heartless adults. In the name of preservation, a plan is developed to capture them for an aquarium. Now the dignity and pride of the wild seal are in danger. No matter how painful for Tottoi to be separated from his small friends, he must fight for the welfare of the wild mammals and let them go free into the sea.
Cafer, bored with his marriage, works as a cashier. One day he is caught embezzling a large sum of money and ends up in prison. Piraeus Mehmet, Fırıldak Ömer and Cin Ali go to prison to ask him where the money is..
The story is about a boy named Kalle Blomkvist who with his friends solves crimes and also plays the battle between the red rose and the white rose with his rival friends
On New Year's Eve, a taxi driver tries to raise money necessary for his mother-in-law surgery who takes care of his only mentally handicapped son. On the same night, a repentant prostitute tries to make money to fix her house . When they meet, they witness a night full of unforgettable events.
The action is set at the start of the twentieth century, between a village by the River Dnyepr and the coast of Florida. While the story has ironic, romantic and sometimes mystic angles, the bitter aspects of emigration from the Ukraine to the United States become clearly visible.