Oscar and Josefine are celebrating Midsummer with Oscar's grandparents in the country. A demon, Thorsen, gives Josefine the gift of enabling her to travel back in time. Visiting Oscar's family in the 17th century, Josefine saves a sickly young girl from the stake. But now the villagers see Josefine as a witch and want to burn her at the stake instead.
Hele familien skal på skiferie i Norge, da far brækker benet. Derfor tager onkel Erik af sted med de fem ældste børn. På færgen møder Amalie skiinstruktøren Dan og onkel Erik bliver meget søsyg. Det viser sig far har lejet en meget lille utæt hytte, men Jan og Michael får det ordnet så de flytter ind i en stor suite. Det viser sig at den er udlejet til fru Flinth og hendes veninder og hun laver meget vrøvl. Familien smides ud, men igen ordner Jan og Michael situationen. De påstår at Erik Lund er en berømt sanger. Erik har travlt med at passe på Amalie, men da hun opdager Dans luskeri med en anden pige får hun drengene til at hjælpe sig. I mellemtiden får Erik også tid til at stå på skøjter sammen med fru Flint.
Willie, a young Confederate soldier, joins forces with the bold and boisterous Lt. John Singleton Mosby and his notorious band of Civil War raiders. Befriended by a Yankee and aided by his beautiful cousin Oralee, Willie learns the power of love and war as he attempts dangerous scouting missions across the Virginia countryside. Infiltrating a Union brigade and capturing an enemy General are just two of the challenges Willie courageously faces in the early days of the War Between the States.
Smart Man Nassredin easily penetrates into Bukhara Emir inner circle posing as Wise Man from Damascus. He becomes Emir trusted advisor, and even convinces the tyrant to relax the rule and release a lot of political prisoners (because stars favor this arrangement).
The Remi abandoned by his foster father sold to the troubadour Vasalis, in his living through the rural villages the people to entertain, gehoplen his three dogs and a monkey. In the beginning Remi takes its new master, but a demanding and hard man, and the animals have not been too much with the clumsy boy. But gradually creates a bond between Remi and his new comrades, until their friendship is suddenly disrupted when Vasalis is arrested for vagrancy and sentenced. Then Remi, alone in the world, along with his animal friends in position to try to keep ...
From acclaimed director Chris Eyre, whom People Magazine calls "…the preeminent Native American filmmaker of his time", comes this touching and inspirational story about loyalty, friendship, and courage. New man in town Kenny Williams has just accepted a position as an English professor at the Three Nations Reservation in Utah. Finding it hard to fit in with the tight-knit Native American community, he decides to take on the challenge of coaching the high school girls' basketball team.
This adventurous feature film is a sequel to Paul Verhoeven's legendary youth series from 1969. In this modern film version - the Middle Ages are more imaginative and larded with anachronistic jokes - the story revolves around Floris (grandson of Rutger Hauer's character from the series), a peace-loving bloke whose father despises him because he refuses to carry on the family tradition of stout-hearted knights defending freedom: Floris is an actor. To prove to his father that he can still be a hero, he helps him search for a missing sacred relic with special powers. This is the last hope for the Duke of Burgundy, his father's boss, to eliminate the mean Duchess of Gelre. Along with his oriental girlfriend Pi, Floris goes through some perilous moments when he enters into battle with the duchess and her stooges Van Rossum jr., Kleine Pier jr. and Sergeant jr..
Erik and Lisbeth are getting married and then honeymoon to Austria. When Mom and Dad need to have another baby, the four small decides to go on the honeymoon as well. They hide in the caravan and come unseen to Austria. Since they do not have passports, Erik can not just send them home. The children are only listed in their mother's passport and she is in the hospital giving birth. Lisbeth and Erik have to take care of the kids. It provides a lot of fun entanglements between the wedding couple and the children. Erik and Lisbeth doing now what they can just get a few moments alone. However, there is always something, so it will be an unforgettable honeymoon with my sister's children.
A recently widowed grandmother is determined to grant her husband's last wish of setting his ashes free over the idyllic bluff they called Annie's Point. The charm of this tale lies in her journey.
Animated tale about Santa's reindeer, who have come down with the North Pole flu. Nearsighted elf leader Buzz thinks he's found the perfect replacements, but the makeshift reindeer turn out to be nine stray dogs in an old beat-up wagon! Will this ragged band of canines be up to the task of guiding Santa's sleigh, or will Christmas have to be grounded?
One day Karen, Kristel and Kathleen receive an invitation from a king and queen from a distant fairytale kingdom. They ask if they want to sing on their daughter's birthday. But the princess behaves like a spoiled brat, because an evil wizard placed a curse on her, freezing her heart in the process. In an exciting race against time, K3 try to solve the mystery surrounding the little princess. But this turns out not to be as easy as they thought. Because even though they encounter all kinds of well-known fairytale characters, they do not receive any help. Will the brave singers manage to lift the curse?
Gnome Plop is having a spring cleaning in his mushroom together with his friends Lui, Klus and Kwebbel. While cleaning the chimney, Klus discovers an old treasure map which takes them on a big adventure, far from everything they have ever known..