Masterful traps set by humpback whales in the straits of Alaska. An ingenious partnership between dolphins and gannets by Bird Island, South Africa. A killing school where orcas teach their young to hunt sea lions on the shores of Punta Norte. For ages, the oceans have hidden the true depth and breadth of their hunters' inventiveness. But now, wildlife photographers below and above the water's surface are capturing images that show off their remarkable prowess. Discover their secrets as we travel the world to see the ocean's predators at work.
On the surface, they appear to be ordinary dogs, but these canines have a secret identity. They are the Pentagon's stealth warriors, with specialties in explosives detection, tracking, laser target acquisition and bite work. Meet the U.S. Navy SEALs' latest recruits, four-footed soldiers called to duty to save soldiers' lives. SEAL Dog is an intimate look at one of these astonishing animals, Chopper, his partner, American war hero Trevor Maroshek, and the unbreakable bond they formed, on and off the battlefield.
Mars has beckoned humankind for centuries, but only in the last 50 years have we begun to scratch its surface. The latest Martian explorer is Perseverance, an uber-sophisticated rover, chock-full of scientific instruments, including 23 cameras, a robotic arm, lasers, and spectrometers, designed to analyze the terrain and reveal if there was ever life on the Red Planet. Join us as we examine the latest rocket, rover, and interplanetary helicopter.
Looking back on the creation of the Vietnam Memorial, this Emmy-nominated documentary chronicles the controversy surrounding the monument's construction and touches on the history of the polarizing war that inspired it. Fueled by the vision of Vietnam veteran Jan Scruggs and brought to life by then-fledgling designer Maya Lin, the memorial would eventually become the nation's most visited monument. But its success was a hard-fought victory.
The Battle of the Falklands, between a Royal Navy task force and five German cruisers, was one of the most dramatic and bloodiest sea conflicts of World War I. When the smoke cleared, four of the German ships had sunk, including the flagship and pride of the German fleet, the SMS Scharnhorst. For decades, none of the downed vessels were ever found. Now, more than 100 years later, maritime archaeologist Mensun Bound and his team are searching for the ships and the secrets they hold. It's a race against time and the raging South Atlantic Ocean.
The Blitz: Days that Changed WWII tells the story of one of the most pivotal six-month periods of the 20th century, beginning in August 1940 as Nazi Germany has conquered most of Western Europe. Britain now stands alone against Hitler’s Luftwaffe as it rains bombs on its cities, villages and ports. As they face daily bombardment and destruction along with threats of gas attacks and invasion, the people of Great Britain come together to make a heroic stand.
Few creatures have revealed as many biological secrets about the workings of life on Earth as the backyard lizard known as the anole. Join biologists Neil Losin and Nate Dappen on their yearlong examination of this humble but fascinating creature and its remarkable powers of adaptation. It's a whirlwind journey that takes us from Caribbean rainforests to high-tech labs to the city of Miami, leading to incredible discoveries about the laws of the lizard.
The fossil of a completely intact armoured dinosaur, Borealopelta markmitchelli, is discovered in Canada. Dinosaur Cold Case follows the evidence, as paleontologists piece together the prehistoric clues of Borealopelta’s life and death. Why was it found upside down, in what was once an inland sea? How did it die and why was it so perfectly fossilized?
North of the Himalayas and three miles above sea level stretches a land barely glimpsed by the outside world: the Tibetan Plateau. Here, packs of wolves, herds of chiru antelope, and small families of pika struggle to survive and raise their young in one of the harshest environments on Earth. Spend a year in this land of extremes and follow its creatures, from the top of the food chain to the bottom, as they embark on dangerous migrations, dodge diving predators, and adapt to the plateau's thin air, impossible terrain, and punishing weather.
In the Pantanal wetland, jaguars grow larger and in greater number than anywhere in the world, and when the dry season comes and animals crowd closer to the Cuiaba River, this stealthy hunter goes on the attack. Witness life in Jaguarland, where a king must be ready to fight to keep his crown, two young brothers hone their skills, and a young female plays cat and mouse with wily rodents. Then see how local ranchers have learned to coexist with jaguars, which once threatened their livelihoods, by establishing ecotourism as a new revenue stream.
During the rainy season in Africa, a herd of buffalo can create thousands of pounds of waste in a day, which would be an environmental disaster if not for the dung beetle. These extraordinary insects depend on waste to survive. They eat it, attract mates with it, and raise families in it. Although dung beetles are critical to the ecosystem, they don't have it easy. Every day, they must avoid being trampled, evade predators like bullfrogs, honey badgers, and rock monitor lizards, and rival dung beetle families desperate for the same fecal prize.
This extremely visual docudrama follows Humboldt’s extraordinary path. Travelling in Humboldt’s footsteps is historian Andrea Wulf, whose book on Humboldt became a worldwide bestseller. For good reason, since Humboldt’s ideas on the planet’s fragile web of life are as important today as they were 220 years ago.
In 1962 James H. Meredith became the first African American to attend the University of Mississippi. This film documents the life and times of one of America's greatest and most controversial civil rights icons.
JoJo's D.R.E.A.M. Tour has all been building to her homecoming show in Omaha, Nebraska! This special is packed full of live concert performances, surprises, heart, and all the magic of D.R.E.A.M. The Tour!
Over billions of years, planet Earth has become home to an amazing interdependent ecosystem, containing a dizzying variety of animals and plants. But how did life here begin? And does it exist anywhere outside of our solar system? We uncover the secrets of our world by tracking the evolution of the cosmos itself, from the Big Bang onwards. Follow scientists responsible for some of the major breakthroughs in understanding the origins of life and witness how their discoveries are fundamentally changing the way we perceive the universe.
Forget what you think you know about pigs. These remarkable animals have talents we're only beginning to understand. See how pigs have conquered nearly every habitat on Earth, thanks to their remarkable senses, intelligence, and adaptability. From the islands of Indonesia to the beaches of the Bahamas to the frozen tundra of Siberia, meet eight-inch pygmy hogs, cheetah-avoiding warthogs, domesticated pigs with super senses, and more.
Rattlesnakes are unique to the Americas, with at least 32 recognized species living in a multitude of habitats. Though they are icons of the Southwest, rattlers are often persecuted as venomous villains. A handful of states still hold annual roundups to collect and kill as many snakes as possible. But the serpents do have an ally: rattlesnake rescuer Jules Sylvester, who has made it his mission to save as many as he can. Join him on a road trip through the Wild West as he busts myths and rescues a few rattlers along the way.
Going from 0 to 150 mph in three seconds, withstanding three Gs of force, and taking off from what's often called "the most dangerous place on the planet" are just parts of everyday life for an aircraft carrier pilot-and it's no different for the crew aboard the USS Enterprise. After being stationed in the Middle East for a year, these pilots have seen heavy action in Afghanistan and Iraq. Now, finally, they're returning home. With amazing personal stories and real-time footage from missions, this is an exciting insider's peek at life onboard a wartime aircraft carrier.