When Blitzen announces his retirement on December 21st, a miniature horse has 3 days to fulfill his lifelong dream of earning a spot on Santa's team at the North Pole try-outs.
Jack Parker has always skated by on his lies, especially the one about Mikey, an underprivileged (and made-up) teen who Jack "tutors"... until one day "Mikey" shows up for real, and all Jack's lies start coming true.
The little swift Manou grows up believing he's a seagull. Learning to fly he finds out he never will be. Shocked, he runs away from home. He meets birds of his own species and finds out who he really is. When both seagulls and swifts face a dangerous threat, Manou becomes the hero of the day.
To amuse themselves during the winter school break, the kids in a small village decide to have a massive snowball fight. Luke and Sophie, both 11 years old, become the leaders of the opposing sides. Sophie and her cohort defend an elaborate snow fort against the assault of Luke’s horde. Whichever side occupies the fort at the end of the winter break, wins. But what starts out as pure youthful fun and enthusiasm deteriorates into a more serious conflict. Joy is restored when all the children decide to attack the fort rather than each other and happily destroy every last bit of the snow fort.
An abused beagle runs away from his owner. On the road, he meets young Marty Preston and follows him home. The boy immediately forms a bond with the dog and names him Shiloh. His stern father won't let him keep the dog because it belongs to Judd Travers, a local hunter. After Shiloh is mistreated again, he runs away and returns to Marty. Knowing his father will once again make him bring Shiloh back to Judd, he makes a home for the dog in an old shed up the hill from the Prestons' house and hides him from his family. His secret is soon discovered when a stray attacks the dog one night and he must turn to his father for help.
An adventurous teenager summons the courage to help a friendly dinosaur to escape from the clutches of a mad scientist that wants to use him for experimentations.
After a near-fatal accident, on a horse the experts thought was nothing special, a determined rider from the wrong side of the tracks defies all the odds to pursue her dreams of winning a national jumping championship.
The film ' Antboy: Revenge of the Red Fury ' is a sequel to the Danish superhero film Antboy, based on the books by Kenneth Bøgh Andersen. The story is again on the ordinary Danish boy Pelle, who secretly fights crime as a superhero Antboy. In the first film, he made short work of the super villain flea , now tucked away on the local insane clinic.
The Little Ghost lives in the castle over looking a small town and awakens for precisely one hour after the clock strikes midnight. Follow him on this adventure to see his first sunrise ever!
Cinderella discovers a secret that could shake their world: an evil witch turned the prince into a mouse and replaced him with a look-alike. Cinderella and her friends must save the real prince and help him defeat the evil witch.
Pips wants to see more of the outside world. Batty arrives in a panic, announcing that two human poachers are right behind him. Poachers show up with their dogs and promptly capture the three baby animals. Pips and the Beetle Boys volunteer to follow the humans to town and rescue the babies, convincing Batty to be their guide.
After the unexpected death of his survivalist father, an eleven year old boy raised in the Alabama wilderness must learn how to make a home in the modern world.
After speaking at the Wakanda Embassy, Black Panther fights Thanos and fends him off with the help of fellow Avengers Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, and Black Widow. After regaining conscious, Thanos is approached by Erik Killmonger and Ulysses Klaue in a plot where they will obtain the Vibranium in Wakanda to empower Thanos. When Black Panther discovers this plot, he must work with Shuri, Okoye, and the Avengers to defeat them.
When an overenthusiastic Maya accidentally embarrasses the Empress of Buzztropolis, she is forced to unite with a team of misfit bugs and compete in the Honey Games for a chance to save her hive.