Memphis film student, Evan Shandling, decides that his senior film should be about how the economy has effected local businesses. So with that in mind, Evan packs up his camera and heads south into North Mississippi to document one of the hardest hit and most dangerous jobs around, vampire removal. Embedding himself with the small vampire removal company, At Stake: Vampire Solutions (AS:VS), Evan documents, interview and goes on calls with AS:VS workers as they struggle to keep their business afloat and make it to the next day alive.
Meet John Wolfman - politician, single parent and werewolf. A man whose (hairy) hands are definitely full. Not only is he trying to stop his opponents from selling the US to China (by way of the controversial CHIMERICA Bill), but also solve a series of grizzly murders in the capitol. Add to this a crazed Mad Scientist, Smokey the Bear, a Miss Teen Beauty Pageant and a race against time to save his 8 year old son Bobby Wolfman from a murderous Vice President, and you have a movie that will keep you howling. Made entirely from recycled, stock & public domain footage with a newly scripted, scored & re-voiced soundtrack with enhanced visuals & post production. You've simply never seen anything like it before.
A woman's journey of self-discovery and the dynamics of her zany family. Alexis Fish is left broke and broken-hearted after the death of her cheating husband, working as a phone sex operator and a walking meatball hero. As she returns to her hometown of Brooklyn for a distant aunt's funeral, she fears to admit to her family and overbearing mother that her life is a mess. With help from her quirky sister Kayla and a new love interest, Alexis realizes she must let go of her past to define her own future.
A new family is having difficulty adjusting, when an adorable dog comes into their life. Once his special powers are discovered, the local dog catcher and the (F.B.D.I) Federal Bureau of Dog Investigation will stop at nothing to get him.
Working at a movie theater is fun, and that's why Mason, Dennis, and Gabe have done it for years. But, those years of neglecting the world outside the theater are finally catching up to them. Now, they have to make a decision: start on the long, hard path to maturity or stay at the theater, where they can avoid customers, screw with customers, and eat as much popcorn as they desire.
When a lonely man finds out the love of his life has a conjoined twin, who happens to be a serial killer, he must take drastic measures to keep his love life intact while keeping himself out of big trouble.
Surviving family members and friends of a man who was conned by the cunning businessman Sabbarwahl, string together a series of their own cons in an attempt to bring him down.
A village so small all the residents not only knows each other, but also can easily recognize the neighbor's cow face a frightful news. It was announced on TV that the most powerful coronal mass ejection in the Earth's history would take place. Humankind has only 24 hours left. The world runs mad in different ways getting ready for the apocalypse, and a unique local scenario of waving the life goodbye is inverted in the village. Tables are put together, pies are baked, and some gather strength and courage to make the most important decisions of their lives... But what about the doomsday? It just doesn't arrive. Oops, got it wrong! The situation is heating up. Everybody realize they can't go on as they did before.
When nerds Dennis and Noah crash a party thrown by the local jocks and hot girls in a remote cabin, they must combat a brainy serial murderer known as the Driller Killer, who uses power tools to rid the world of idiots, one clueless teen at a time.
As one of the world's best restaurants opens for its final evening, a couple in the midst of a divorce who made their reservation a year ago (before separating) reunite for a once-in-lifetime meal.
Ben and Julie's annual Halloween Party is about to go off the Richter scale, when their single, high maintenance girlfriend drags in a homeless guy, thinking he's a party goer, because SHE needs an escort. Not only has she dated everyone there; unbeknownst to her, Ben has invited her lame ex-boyfriend in hopes of reuniting them. As she spends the night avoiding her ex, and the other undesirable guys in attendance, she interacts with a colorful assortment of party peeps. Between disappearing fortune tellers and over crowded jacuzzis, she questions if real love is even possible. The irony; the only person she's the least bit attracted to, is the homeless man!
If you like your comedy served up raw, tasty and wicked-funny, D.L. Hughley is your kind of stand-up guy. One of the most popular comedians of film, TV and radio unleashes a hilarious display of stand-up comedy genius in this uncut Showtime special taped before a wildly enthusiastic live New Jersey audience. It's comedy that'll re-boot your entire sense of humor: D.L. HUGHLEY: RESET!
Evicted from his apartment, James has to move in with his girlfriend of 3 months. He quickly discovers that she's everything he never wanted in a woman. His only option is to get her to break up with him -- but still let him sleep on the couch.
Eleven-year-old Monica Shah is a brainy schoolgirl whose science fair project about growing raspberries becomes a touching emotional crusade. After her dad leaves and her mother falls into a funk, Monica decides it's her job to rescue the family.