Grieving widower, Bernard, is approached by a spiritual healer and a voodoo high priest with an enticing offer to reconnect with his late wife, Sophia, in the afterlife. In the process, Bernard faces spirits, demons, and life-altering secrets.
The lines between past and present are mysteriously blurred when a successful real estate agent develops a strange fixation with a run-down, vacant house that was formally owned by an organized crime family. After he moves in, he is visited by a sexy ghost and begins to unravel the secrets of his former life in 1928... a past where passion and greed collide in the violent world of gangsters.
JOHN, his wife EMILY, and their small son EDWARD leave the city for what they believe will be a brief foray to the countryside to claim John's inheritance - a small shack. They find themselves in a strange back-woods rural setting. Nothing is what it seems, and JOHN's behavior becomes increasingly bizarre as he crosses paths with the unusual inhabitants of the area, some of whom he knows from a distant past. As his connections to the area are gradually revealed, we are shown a puzzle and a tapestry of our hero and his life before he moved away. To his wife's horror we witness a man who belongs to a long lineage of disaster and mishap and rural weirdness. As the realization sets in of what has happened, the specter of the next-in-line, his son EDWARD, becomes spookily evident.
A group of people travel to the Bermuda River to obtain videos and photographs of another dimension, but satanic beings snatch the book with the instructions to get out of there and return to their world, they are left under the power of Lucifer.
When a young couple move into a historic black neighborhood, they learn that the people who live there believe in a protective spirit called The Black Nun. This upwardly conservative couple, the concept of a Black Spirit is beyond their capacity to understand. So, when they decide not to conform to the neighborhood superstition, they become victims of the nun’s wrath.
Nemo, a private detective consumed by an irreconcilable murder case, revisits the HAB--a transgressive warehouse-nightclub complex--where he re-evaluates the details of his confrontations with the Mirror Murders Killer, the man that would take everything from him. With each flashback more bizarre stories unfold, more embittered philosophies, more dark details, and all nuances of truth that lead to an ultimate revelation that drives Detective Nemo back into his caustic underworld one last time. There he must face the blind eye of Heaven, the hunger of Hell, and the relentless ambiguity of his own humanity. Detective Nemo will commit an impossible act upon himself, all in effort to seek vengeance and chase down the diabolical presence that the Mirror Murders Killer has become--Mr. Blight.
A woman named Jules flees her apartment. After she runs down the stairs a flash of light happens causing a table and chair to be pulled towards it. As she reaches the sidewalk and looks around a flash occurs behind the camera when Jules is looking towards it. Her eyes become filled with dark grey clouds before another flash occurs and she is flung into the path of a moving car with her head ending up under the wheel. A man in the other apartment, Ian, hears the commotion from his apartment and grabs his phone before taking a picture of Jules's corpse.
After pushing the app Cloud Bots to the App Store and Google Play Store, Safir Monroe assembles a team to create a game company. Later on, a former colleague named Cody Walker experiments with COVID-19 and advances the virus to turn everyone in the world into zombies. Safir Monroe is faced with two hard decisions, continue to push his game startup to success or save the world from destruction.
Music, Mystery and...Christmas? Idle Girl; a punk rock Christmas crime story of a woman with something to hide and a man who is curious to know more. Will she be able to keep her secrets and keep him safe?
A Sci-Fi feature similar in tone and in the spirit of Shaun of the Dead. who attempt to save the world from an intergalactic invasion of Aliens who create an army of Aliens by converting humans on earth into man-eating monsters. What starts out as a fun couple's camping trip, quickly turns into a fight for survival when an asteroid full of alien biostrata collides with earth. Just like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the biostrata gets into a human's bloodstream, and turns them into bloodthirsty aliens. Our heroes hole up in a cabin in the woods as they concoct a plan to save themselves and the entire world from these evil aliens. All hope will be lost if they can't find and destroy the Alien Queen before she destroys them… and the planet!
After a horrific experience at their previous house, Stephanie and her daughter relocate to a modest home in a quiet, private neighborhood or so they sought.
Jada, a curvy actress, makes an attempt to seek acting gigs after a rough stint out of work. Willing to perform in any low budget project, she finds herself agreeing to be in a feederism/mukbang film, being shot by a disturbing character who refers to himself as Fat Henry.
A family of four isolating against a pandemic virus that spreads through the internet and robs you of your ability to perceive reality - often violently - begins to unravel when they suspect one or all of them might be infected.
Haunted Daycares! Spooky Houses! Poltergeists, the Paranormal and one irritating group of squirrels! There is nothing this crew of intrepid ghost investigators can't figure out. Join them as they attempt to document their investigations into the other world, while trying to survive the night... and each other!