Amid news reports of ravenous beasts roaming the night, Gao, an ex-con bar manager and leader of a punk band in Wuhan, China, gets caught up in a series of unexplained and brutal murders.
Walter and Benita have separated due to growing tension within their marriage. After Walter isn't heard from for an extended period of time, Benita discovers a terrifying occurrence.
Two boys and a young girl struggle for their lives and suffer horrible abuse at the hands of their caretakers during their stay at an orphanage. Taken from the orphanage they are thrown to the streets where their journey to survive will force them to fight for their very lives. Two of them find romance while the third is abducted, to be groomed for membership in the mafia. A powerful and mysterious person in the shadows monitors and influences their lives from afar. In a series of Machiavellian moves, this antagonist orchestrates a series of seemingly innocuous coincidences that move the three of them even closer to the final conflict culminating in the perfect opportunity for spectacular revenge. Their paths are very different but the ghosts of from the past will eventually bring them back together...
Hailing from different parts of the state, four girls, who became friends through social media, get together at Kovalam to meet for the very first time. However, to their shock, all of their baggage and cash disappears mysteriously. Will they be able to make the most of this vacation?
A young woman lies dead in a house, strangled by her boyfriend in a fit of jealous rage. Full of steroids and remorse, he waits for the law to arrive. But the law is his father, a powerful and corrupt detective who races to the murder scene first so he can tamper with the evidence and thwart the police case. When the son literally gets away with murder, the dead woman's distraught brother Jeremy arranges his own justice.
The complicated and bizarre story of Ana (Haien Qiu), a Chinese born in Argentina who is, unexpectedly, pursued by danger. She accidentally becomes involved in the affairs of the Chinese triads established in Argentina. To get rid of them she must flee to her hometown, but what is not known is that in the meadow, things have changed. The people have left and all she find are rabbits. But even the rabbits have changed; mutating into bloodthirsty carnivores.
Luke has big news to share with his friends (and his boyfriend Jesse) so he decides to host a Skype call. However, things take a turn for the worse when Peter Loft, a notorious child murderer, suddenly jumps into the chat. With the threat of death looming, will Luke and his friends be able to stay safe, or will the Skype call end in tragedy?
A group of friends goes to the forest. The guys are led there by curiosity: one of them received a strange message indicating the coordinates. Arriving at the scene, they decide that it was a prank. But as the sun sets, the heroes understand that the hunt has begun on them.
While trying to cure the emotion of rage Jacob James stumbles onto a drug that releases all his inhibitions and takes him down a self-destructive path.
A movie that aims to deliver a simple message about the dangers of solar use, designed as an 80s horror teen movie directed by Christian E. Christiansen for the benefit of Kræftens Bekæmpelse and the TrygFondens Sluk Solariet campaign in 2015.
After suffering physical abuse at the hands of her husband Sharon begins to think of a life without him but in order for this to happen she must make a bold choice which will likely result in deadly consequences.
A woman who hasn't seen her father in 18 years, learns of his death and goes to his estate in France to carry out his wishes. She then learns that her father was a thief who after getting caught and going to prison and upon his release was approached by an insurance company, who wanted him to use his talents in helping them recover some valuables that had been stolen, which became his new job. Now that he is gone, he wants her to continue his work.