A young Autistic boy and his two siblings have to stay with their grandparents while their mother is away. Because of his unique abilities and interest in space missions, he considers his grandparents land an isolated planet.
A God fearing multi-millionaire gets his life in shambles and becomes mentally & physically challenged after an entanglement with two other women apart from his first wife.
Anne is persuaded to join her fiance, Gilbert, in New York City as he begins his tenure at a major hospital. However, any chance of lasting happiness is dashed when Gilbert enlists to serve in The Great War in Europe. Anne stays behind and takes up writing, but learns that contact has been lost with Gilbert. Seeing no other option, Anne decides to venture to Europe herself to find him. In doing so, she begins an adventure that will challenge her wits and imagination to the limit.
Great Britain, 6th century. Merlin, the greatest wizard in history, helps a man become king. Now, Merlin will become the advisor to the great King Arthur, a king who will come to end decades of anarchy.
Eight-year-old Mac and his imaginary friend Blooregard Q. Kazoo (or "Bloo" for short) often get into fights with his 13-year-old brother Terrence. When Mac's mother tires of this behavior, she tells him that he has outgrown his age to have an imaginary friend and must get rid of him. Crushed by overhearing their argument, except for Terrence, who is rather pleased, Bloo later comes across a TV commercial for "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends"--"where good ideas are not forgotten," according to the motto.
Elmer, a sensitive duckling whose schoolmates tease him. However, after his unusual talents help him save a life, the other members of the flock learn to respect him as he is.
Nothing is every simple for the Pink Panther. For example, he heads to the beach for some relaxation. All that he wants to do is fish. Instead, he battles a bunch of worms and an angry crab. There's one worm who won't cooperate. This only leads to more problems with the militant crab. What's a panther to do?
The Pink Panther encounters a coin-operated talking weight and fortune machine which suggests that he bring it home with him on the basis of it being a valuable asset - it doesn't go so well.
After Liptus arrives in a small village from the city, he calls his best friends, Miron and Melita, on winter holidays in Kopacevo. That same night, while they are all sleeping cozily, from their deep sleep Miron and Melita are woken by the disturbing sounds of villagers, carrying flares and disappearing into the darkness at the end of the street. At the docks, they find Halasz, a boy known for his bravery. He is cold, pale from shock, and babbling a white ghost. While most of the villagers don't believe Halasz's story, older citizens recall a long time ago when a forgotten spirit would scare people at night in dark and foggy swamps. Everyone locks themselves in their houses and Halasz ends up in a hospital where the doctors can't help him. Miron, Liptus, and Melita, now alone, take matters into their own hands, revealing the secret of the ghost and saving their friend.
Join Polly and her friends as they travel to her father's island in the Pacific to do research on lunar eclipses. But the pressure is on! If they don't get a good grade for the project, Lila will be grounded and Polly's band, "Polly and the Pockets" won't be able to play at the school dance! Will they ace the project and get to play? Or will frenemies get in the way...