A group of college students take a Halloween hayride in the countryside and convince the driver to take them to a secluded area for a night of debauchery. However, the fun turns to terror when a local farmhand unearths a mysterious wooden box that contains an ancient zombie.
From deep within the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, Professor Douglas McCadden ships the coffin of Ankh-Vanharis to the California Institute of Sciences where X-rays reveal five diamond-like crystals hidden within the coffin. Technician Peter Sharpe steals the crystals but doesn't notice that the powerful X-ray has revived a green fungus. When the coffin is opened at a university press conference, the reporters uncover more than they bargained for. The mummy has disappeared... and the Time Walker is alive again!
A catastrophic train derailment sends the city spiraling into chaos. But the derailment is just the beginning. A biological gas attack sees crash survivors collapsing and dying within minutes. And the sickness is rapidly spreading.
Follows a group of male hunters who regularly lure women to their island with the chance to win 100K in a hunt, only to discover that they are the hunted, but this time they mess with the wrong girls and must deal with the consequences.
Over six tumultuous decades, three unwitting guests of a cursed New England home stumble upon a sinister secret dwelling beneath its floors - an eternal witch with an insatiable thirst for the flesh of the living.
An architect regains consciousness in a locked portaloo – known in German vernacular by the ‘Dixi’ brand name – on a building site where a detonation is being prepared. As he desperately tries to find ways of escaping this ‘prison’ before potentially being blown to smithereens, he realizes who has put him into this predicament. Now he has to do everything in his power to get out alive…
When the 1989 "one-hit-wonder" glam-metal band "Sonic Grave" embark on a trip to Coachella in hopes of a comeback, their peyote trip pit stop in Joshua Tree incites an "unworldly" viscous attack, and they must "rock" themselves out of harms way.
Noah loves his girlfriend Lea and their daughter Zita dearly, just about as much as his extremely pimped car with vanity plate “H4Z4RD”. When his cousin offers him a seemingly simple job as a driver, it soon turns into an unlikely and nerve-racking race through Antwerp, which can only result in the end of Noah, his family or the car…
A week before storming the beaches of Normandy, two US Soldiers infiltrate an abandoned complex to rescue a prisoner of war from the clutches of the Nazi regime.
Addison travels with a picky billionaire as an assistant in her brother's place so he doesn't lose his job. She clashes with the billionaire until both start to see more in each other than they thought.
A 9-year-old boy in a remote village in India begins a lifelong love affair with cinema when he bribes his way into a rundown movie palace and spends a summer watching movies from the projection booth.
A struggling all-female rock band kicks off a new tour, hoping to rekindle their popularity. When they catch the attention of horrors from beyond our reality, the band realizes that being forgotten by their fans is the least of their problems.
A wealthy oil tycoon decides to steal oil from a pipeline running between Honam and Seoul-Busan motorway. To carry out this heist, he enlists the help of an experienced drilling engineer and his team.
Rose Plays Julie is the story of a young woman searching for her biological mother. Set against a backdrop of misogyny, revenge, and longing, Rose undertakes a journey that leads her to revelations that are both devastating and dangerous.
Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Dr. Mildred Jefferson square off in a national battle in this untold conspiracy that led to the most famous and controversial court case in history.
Old school friends go on a paintball trip miles away from civilization. But things go horribly wrong when they discover a cold-blooded masked killer is amongst them. Now, they must fight to survive their school reunion.
Two competing TV hosts are sent to a festive small town over Christmas. While pretending to get along for the sake of appearances, they discover that there’s more to each other than they thought.