The Eggy Robot project aims to synthesize a robot of which artistic appearance and emergent behaviours make us feel and imagine the emergence of primeval organisms. Of all the computer animators that pursued the goal of wild, virtual exotica, none could equal the overwhelming, needlepoint visual intensity of Kawaguchi’s work. One of the world’s leading researchers into 'blobby organic modelling, he depicted a world composed of molten, shape-shifting organs without a body.
What happens when Dorothy the Dinosaur meets Santa Claus? There's singing, dancing, reindeers and fun! Here's Dorothy's first animated adventure featuring Santa Claus, Washington, Dorothy, and a host of friends from the North Pole. Washington thinks Santa needs a rest and so uses a computer to sort toys for the children of the world, but things don't go as planned. It takes Captain Feathersword, Dorothy, and Santa's little helpers to sort things out. So follow these Christmas stars to a land of Yuletide magic as Dorothy meets Santa Claus.
Bob Mixes Real-Life Construction Action With Animated Fun To Show You How To Build The Perfect House And Playground!Get ready to rev-up and get dirty as Bob's world meets the real world! With footage from real-life construction sites you'll see giant diggers, trucks and mixers work together to build your dream house. From demolition to finishing touches, you'll learn everything you need to know to get the job done and have some fun! Top it off with building your fantasy playground while you are On Site with Bob!
A deadly red tide concocted by Professor Pinch and the evil squid Krakken threatens the reef village where the Finely family lives. When King Pacificus intervenes and offers an unlikely shelter of protection, he teaches the reef fish about trust and forgiveness.
A lonely sailor sails through tumultuous oceans and storms, searching for a reunion with his beloved. Follow a rigid routine of tasks until unexpected changes in the route alter the destination.
Interplanetary mutant dinosaurs unite to defend the universe from the tyrannical Plutonian Dominion, befriend sentient alien beings and consummate the ultimate mango smoothie.
Meet Emma, a little girl on vacation off the island of St. Thomas, who discovers magical sea-grass that gives her the power to talk to sea life. Soon enough, Emma has a new group of sea-critter friends. Together, they set off on a grand adventure to find buried treasure, while learning important lessons about friendship, self-confidence, protecting the environment, and the power of imagination.
A small robot, destined to be one more in an automaton factory, finds a precious object that makes him deviate from the stipulated path. The factory removes the object for going against the norm. So the little robot will try to get it back no matter what, and learn the true value of the object along the way.
A shark teacher teaches about the types of seals to his students clownfish Bella and stringray Milo. Shark teacher then lectures about various ocean animals' characteristics from their living styles and personalities.
Wormingham is having a masquerade ball, and Bert wants to ask Crystal to be his date. But Wormaline's plans to go to the ball with Burt herself may interfere.
A turtle named Harold was unfortunate enough to be born without a shell. Because of this, despite having many talents because of his lack of one, every other turtle looks down upon him.
The K9-4 is a merry group of musical dogs that rap and rock their way through this colorful Christmas cartoon. In it, Fetch, Licks, Rollover, Bones and Roxie journey back to their hometown for a special Christmas Concert, and a very special reunion for Rollover.