International Drag Superstar, Ginger Minj, discusses dysfunctional family etiquette, haunted dolls and the infamous “Florida Man” in this hilariously honest musical memoir of her Southern Baptist upbringing. Best known for appearances in DUMPLIN, Hocus Pocus 2, and RuPaul’s Drag Race, Ginger breaks out of the werk room and takes center stage to tell her story as only she can.
A billionaire celebrity chef seeks revenge on all mankind when a global ban on gluten destroys his life. In the process, Alfredo Manicotti is disfigured into a hideous creature, half-man, half-macaroni, and leads a pasta uprising that threatens all of humanity. It’s up to his spoiled heiress daughter, the angel-haired Emma, to make the ultimate sacrifice and save the world from the impending pastacolypse.
A young boy from the trailer park can't take another moment of ridicule from his family and peers. With support from his beloved dollies, he sets out for blood.
A rushing river caresses the life of a small town in southern Argentina: Choele Choel. Coco is an eleven-year-old kid who intensely wishes to be a grown-up, to be a man. A walk along the river with Johana -his new Venezuelan neighbor- initiates Coco in the adult world. But his father and life itself slow him down and make him feel small and insignificant; just a child. When life gets complicated it is probably best to let oneself go with the flow and float down the river like a drifting log.
David Jason's most famous film appearance of the 1970's was opposite Graham Chapman in 'The Odd Job' but five years earlier he played the lead role in this very low budget comedy. His character is a daydreamer but he manages to get caught up in an adventure involving the hugely underated Imogen Hassall. There is even an appearance from a pre Darth Vader Dave Prowse although his character closer resembles the one he played in 'Callan'.
Filled with the fast-paced thrills of a 007 epic and the suave sophistication of a Pee Wee Herman adventure, this film takes the sacred, great all-American Nerd and puts him where he belongs - on a top secret spy mission.
On 17-year-old Kate's last weekend in town, she and her friends plan to spend it together at SpaceCON– the local science fiction convention they attend every year. At the convention Kate meets Paul, a recently turned teen-vampire (who is also dressed as one). But when Kate tries to make a move on him, he accidentally bites her in the neck. Kate and her friends soon discover Paul is not the only vampire at the convention, and it is up to them to stop the vampires and find a way to turn Kate back before it is too late.
Ethan throws a surprise birthday party for his girlfriend Jane, with plans to propose before the night ends, but despite all his careful planning, things quickly go awry.
A mature man suffers impotence with his teenage wife Dionisia. She will use a thousand and one ways for the flame of passion to rise. When her husband resorts to her own methods, Dionisia turns to her stepson for attention.
With a beautiful vineyard and tons of wine at their disposal, friends try to cheer up their heartbroken buddy after he's dumped just days before his wedding.
During a party at her mother's house, wanna-be fashionista Kathryn discovers the plumber hired to fix the toilet is the biological father she never met. Her world turned upside down, she goes on a lengthy and topsy-turvy journey to find herself.
A serial killer has the city in a murderous grip of fear. Assigned to the case are Saxon and Steel, and although they have an unhealthy obsession with cop shows of the 70's they also have a reputation for 'coming down hard on the bad boys'.
Six friends having a weekly board game night are interrupted by a booming movie trailer voice from the sky. Inexplicably, they find themselves trapped in a Horror Movie. Who amongst them will turn into a homicidal killer? Who will be the sole survivor? And who will be the first to die in the shower? Struggling to break free from the stereotypes that would see them dead, each of the friends try to stay alive in whatever hopelessly desperate ways they can.
His parents named him Reginald Regineld. His friends call him "Ditto." At the age of eleven he decided he wasn't going to do anything with his life. And that was going pretty well until senior year when he saw Tracy. This wasn't so much love at first sight as much as it was "completely-head-over-heels-gonna-get-her-at-any-price-even-if-I-make-a-complete-fool-of-myself" love at first sight. And it would burn for decades. Whether she loved him or not.
Old Goats is a gentle comedy about the indignities of aging. Meeting at a weekly coffee klatch for the local over-70 set (no girls allowed!), three "old goats" from different social strata develop an unlikely friendship. One's a married, golf-playing, sports-car-driving businessman recently forced into retirement. Another is a salty octogenarian World War II vet and (still) devoted womanizer. The third is a shy bachelor car mechanic, just fired, who lives on a squalid sailboat . Theirs is the common tragedy of losing one's vocation, one's purpose in life. There's talk of sailing adventures, online dating, and a condo in Palm Springs, but these three live in common terror of the question, "What's next for you?" They know damn well what's next! And they're determined to avoid it for as long as possible.