A woman named Jules flees her apartment. After she runs down the stairs a flash of light happens causing a table and chair to be pulled towards it. As she reaches the sidewalk and looks around a flash occurs behind the camera when Jules is looking towards it. Her eyes become filled with dark grey clouds before another flash occurs and she is flung into the path of a moving car with her head ending up under the wheel. A man in the other apartment, Ian, hears the commotion from his apartment and grabs his phone before taking a picture of Jules's corpse.
After pushing the app Cloud Bots to the App Store and Google Play Store, Safir Monroe assembles a team to create a game company. Later on, a former colleague named Cody Walker experiments with COVID-19 and advances the virus to turn everyone in the world into zombies. Safir Monroe is faced with two hard decisions, continue to push his game startup to success or save the world from destruction.
Music, Mystery and...Christmas? Idle Girl; a punk rock Christmas crime story of a woman with something to hide and a man who is curious to know more. Will she be able to keep her secrets and keep him safe?
A horror movie that teaches bullies what can happen when they abuse the wrong person or do nothing to stop a bully. There is no physical violence, only a royal mind screw of the victims. Seventeen mental torchers and a brain washing chamber are deployed
Buck Swinger is back in action in the hills of North Georgia, where the Bigfoot problem has gotten out of hand. Buck’s psychological stability comes into question as the story progresses from skunk apes in the mountains to swamp apes in North Florida.
September 1998. The millennium approaches. As they prepare for Y2K, two teenagers set out to find the legendary Mojave Payphone led by their mentor - the unhinged conspiracy theorist Captain Zeno. When they reach their quarry, however, things take a turn.
A Sci-Fi feature similar in tone and in the spirit of Shaun of the Dead. who attempt to save the world from an intergalactic invasion of Aliens who create an army of Aliens by converting humans on earth into man-eating monsters. What starts out as a fun couple's camping trip, quickly turns into a fight for survival when an asteroid full of alien biostrata collides with earth. Just like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the biostrata gets into a human's bloodstream, and turns them into bloodthirsty aliens. Our heroes hole up in a cabin in the woods as they concoct a plan to save themselves and the entire world from these evil aliens. All hope will be lost if they can't find and destroy the Alien Queen before she destroys them… and the planet!
After a horrific experience at their previous house, Stephanie and her daughter relocate to a modest home in a quiet, private neighborhood or so they sought.
A tormented young woman haunted by a recurring dream is catapulted into a peculiar and deviant world where she is confronted by the duality of her existence.
Jada, a curvy actress, makes an attempt to seek acting gigs after a rough stint out of work. Willing to perform in any low budget project, she finds herself agreeing to be in a feederism/mukbang film, being shot by a disturbing character who refers to himself as Fat Henry.
In the wake of her mother's death, Connie finds herself working for her estranged father in eastern Kentucky. Despite the circumstances, she is falling in love with the place and the people that are haunted by their past and a presence that is destroying their home. Last Holler is a Hillbilly Hip-Hop Horror Comedy with an old school B-movie feel. It is also a love letter to the Kentucky landscape, signed, sealed and delivered by Kentuckians. It was written, directed and edited by J. Thomas Long (aka JustMe of Scribbling Idiots), and produced by PK Gonzales. The husband and wife duo enlisted an amazingly talented cast & crew including Deacon The Villain & Natti (of CunninLynguists), Connie Tat, Corey Hensley, and many more! Made with no budget and little experience, the movie is an all Kentucky affair, with a soundtrack featuring The Off Daze.
A family of four isolating against a pandemic virus that spreads through the internet and robs you of your ability to perceive reality - often violently - begins to unravel when they suspect one or all of them might be infected.