Humans live in a comfortable dream that repeats itself. They control the dream. They were humans once too. Some humans wake up, most don't. Daniel wakes to be told that things could be different. Daniel believes it. For a while at least.
When a strange werewolf virus threatens to decimate first New York and then the world, a rogue general uses the disease to create an army of super-soldiers.
It's star year 4045 AD and an uneasy truce between Allies and their mortal enemies, the Archons is shattered with the appearance of the fearsome Nazi-era laboratory project, the Megalodon.
A story of a story that happens inside the screens. A reality trapped inside the screen of all devices hitting the boundaries creating the ultimate question: whose screen device are we trapped in? Whose entertainment is our personal drama?
Dee, disillusioned with life, and working as a cam girl to make ends meet, helps a strange client, starting an unlikely friendship that might save them both. (DUST)
Ayar, a first-generation American Latina, returns home to reunite with her daughter. But when her mother, Renata, refuses to let her see her due to Covid, Ayar is confronted by the many roles she’s been forced to play, including the role in this film.
15 minutes of recovered footage that was thought to have been lost shortly after it was filmed due to a hard drive malfunction. It shows ghost activity which was captured on camera.
After becoming injected with a formula derived from an alien ship, a lab gorilla escapes from his containment and befriends two young boys. The alien formula causes the gorilla to grow to gargantuan size and rampage throughout the city and the boys must find a way to save their simian friend before the army takes him down.
When the young, curious and adventurous Rosemary discovers what she assumes to be a large beehive growing on a branch of one of their trees, she visits it each day to carefully document its unusual growth. She discovers it’s not what she thought it was.
In the wake of a devastating plague, that has killed most of the world's population, a man named Rory searches for other survivors, for answers, and for hope in a post-apocalyptic world, where nothing is quite as it seems.
The Last Bite is an art-house feature film about Carlos, a tormented artist living in London. Carlos' perspective on life changes when he meets Veronica, an other-worldly woman.
When seven nuclear attacks hit the United States, the country is thrown into chaos. But none of the areas are affected as severely as Southern California, where the radiation has created an infestation of zombies. Following Giovanni Fish and his family, Red Days follows a small group of survivors as they battle zombies and learn to live under a new communist regime. Set in the Not So Sane Universe, Red Days begins as the United States falls into chaos after seven simultaneous nuclear devices are set off, causing civil war and a break up of the union. Van and his family struggle to survive the aftermath of the attack. Stranded in his house for nearly five years, Van attempts to keep zombies from destroying what’s left of his existence as he slowly watches everything he believed in and knew about himself crumble into nothing. His last hope comes as his daughter who disappeared on the night of the attacks returns, but she has a secret of her own that could either save or condemn Van.
A Hawaiian ninja, drawn into a global struggle to control an alien fuel discovered on the moon, is forced to confront the consequences of his life decisions.
It is the year 2058. Maria Ana, an old Woman lives alone. Her husband Alesandro died years earlier due to a terminal illness. Memory Corp is a company that offers its users the opportunity to see in detail specific moments from their past, allowing them to relive memories via a connection made through neuroscientific technology. Maria Ana goes to Memory Corp every day to meet with Alesandro and relive moments with the love of her life, but one day an error occurs in the system that causes the loss of her entire past, taking Alesandro with it and completely altering her current reality.
A seasoned crisis manager navigates a dysfunctional family and their faltering whiskey company through a PR disaster involving triple homicide, Arctic ice mummies, and intergalactic moonshine.
Redemption gives way to a reckoning when a reclusive retired priest shelters a young Amish runaway in crisis, only to reveal a mystery that ties her to a terrifying encounter from his youth— and the aurora-inducing solar storm that rages overhead.