A boy and his dad take a trip to Peru, but when they are accidentally separated he is given a mysterious mask that makes him a target for ruthless tomb raiders.
The true story of the disappearance of Sarah Porter. With no help from the police, Sarah's parents are forced to act on their own to find her. They must battle the bureaucracy of the police department while they are searching all over town for clues to Sarah's whereabouts. When the crucial clue is discovered, Shara's father confronts her kidnapper at gunpoint.
A 1995 TV movie from Venezuelan TV channel RCTV Producciones, this 60-minute horror comedy features writer/director/star Tony Rodríguez as the lead, Armandito, who travels to Caracas and stays in an inn with a mysterious past involving a former resident whose hand was severed. After an electrifying accident, Armandito's hand becomes possessed and he controlled by its urges and mission to complete unfinished business.
On May 24th, 2022, a senseless tragedy occurred in Uvalde, Texas, when a teenager opened fire in an elementary school, resulting in the deaths of 19 fourth grade students and two teachers. Over the past year for ABC News’ “Uvalde: 365” initiative, ABC News’ Investigative Unit and “20/20” embedded in the community, following the families of victims and survivors of the Robb Elementary massacre as they cope with the loss of their loved ones and the inaction of the police, fight for justice, and try to begin their journey of healing.
A group of cats have a warm safe place to stay but no food. When Tom the Turkey comes to town to begin his acting career the cats intervene so they can have turkey for Thanksgiving. A pack of neighborhood dogs who guard a local restaurant have all the food they want but are freezing. Learning about the cats' plot to turn Tom into dinner they try to stop the cats. Soon they realize if they work together everyone would have enough to eat and a safe place to stay.
At the end of World War II Lena Kuchler arrives at a refuge camp in search of her disappeared family members. But at this place she can get no information in her case but only encounters hungry children.
Candles in the Dark is the story of a girl who comes to visit her father's homeland, the Soviet Republic of Estonia. After she arrives, she finds that her father is part of the dissident anti-soviet underground. She soon find her self engulfed in the struggle with her father and a lot of new friends, and finds herself being hunted by the KGB.
A 19 year old girl suddenly finds herself pregnant. Not wanting to face motherhood or dealing with the consequences of a child, she contemplates an abortion without the knowledge of her boyfriend. However, her father, a retired 62 year old judge discovers her situation and is strongly opposed to abortion in principle. However, he soon finds he has to re-examine his own beliefs as his younger 38 year old second wife suddenly announces she is also pregnant. The two, when first married, agreed that there would be no additional children. This accidental pregnancy is unacceptable to the older man who cannot see him being involved in a young child's life. In the end, all three must make choices.
This drama demonstrates how obedience to Biblical principles can overcome the problems of permissiveness and lack of leadership in today’s family. The heartwarming conclusion presents a message of hope and encouragement for families everywhere.
In 1976 the pianist, entertainer and one of the biggest stars of the day, published a coffee table book about his collection of homes, jewellery and costumes called The Things I Love. This DVD is nothing more-nor-less than precisely that, as told to the acclaimed film-maker Tony Palmer. Liberace himself takes us on a guided tour of his Hollywood and Palm Springs homes and his treasured possessions.
The early life and struggles of Judy Garland (portrayed by Andrea McArdle), and of the film star's trials as a youngster in dealing with the movie studio system that held her back while her mother was forever pushing her to excel.
Ready for a hilarious adventure? Hop aboard a broomstick for this tale of two dim-witted witches who accidentally turn their sister into a jack-o-lantern on Halloween...and that's just the beginning of the story. Join the silly sisters as they turn a typical suburban town topsy-turvy with their inept attempts to rescue their sister-turned-pumpkin on Halloween night. Watch them fly around town, go trick-or-treating for the first time, and pop in on a children's Halloween party. These "Witches in Stitches" will delight children with their entertaining tactics and humorous happenings. This is one Halloween story that can be enjoyed all year long!