Shot in Ireland and Poland - a journey that explores ideas of decision, choice, consequence, circumstance and time among other things, a personal perception on how we try to find whatever it is we are searching for.The film looks at objects, people, and places which share common properties, our connection with one another and our environments in the very similar yet very different paths we share.
Both abject through its texture and relatable in its fragility, WETWARE offers hyperreality without the common symptoms of alienation. A seemingly self-sustaining ‘organism’ is generated completely in digital through synthesis without reliance on ’real’ imagery. The resulting image is limitless, perpetually spilling outside itself. Suggesting a feed pulsating beyond a bodily surface or even any bodily context, the work examines digital intimacies while also referencing worship music in its relaxing albeit disorienting sonic composition.
There's hot fun in the summertime when Kipper and his pals enjoy the great outdoors. From boating at the beach to splashing in the pool, the water is the perfect place to enjoy the sunshine. The fun continues when Kipper, Tiger and Arnold compete in a game of crazy golf. But when the friends decide to race one another, Tiger lands in the pond. To Pig's amazement, Arnold learns to ride a bike - with a little help from Kipper. Finally, they're off to spend the day at the farm with new friends! There's always something new under the sun with Kipper and company!
Bob and his 'Can-Do' crew are back on site with a brand new adventure! Join Bob as he builds a train set for Mr. Bentley as a birthday surprise and helps find a family of squirrels a new treehouse home.
Animated short released to Night in the Woods Kickstarter backers in September 2014. Originally intended to be part of a series of four shorts, the following three parts were never released.
Barry Doupé’s Thalé (2009) experiments with the phenomenology of light and colour through fiber-optic flower arrangements. Doupé’s animations are inspired by the Thale Cress plant, which is commonly used in biological mutation experiments. His rotating electronic floras, which resemble neon lights, sex toys and fireworks, glow in the dark digital void. - Amy Kazymerchyk, Fabulous Festival of Fringe Film
Based on the books by Australian author Bob Graham. The movie tells the story of two very different ten year olds and the trials and tribulations of their friendship.
65 million years ago, a Tyrannosaurus Rex pup is separated from his parents and his clan. In order to find them, he must brave erupting volcanoes, stampedes, and attacks from determined predators. Along the way, he befriends a young Triceratops, a band of prancing Oviraptors, and a family of Ankylosaurs, who all help him on his journey. But when he finally finds his family, about to go to war with a rival clan of T-Rex, the loyalties he has earned, and the skills he has learned from his adventures, help save the day.
A man is seeking help to come to terms with his past actions. He is haunted by what he has been a part of and opens up about the nature of his complicity. However time is running out to make things right.
It’s Christmas time at the marsh and McBroom the dung beetle has decided to play Santa and give gifts to all the creatures of the pond. However when Bartle Bee and Flyby discover their presents are dung balls, they are less than satisfied. McBroom knows he will have to learn more about Santa and gift giving if he surely wants to give a memorable Christmas to all those at the pond.