Two young and broke guys concoct an online contest scheme to get sexy females to submit their selfie for $25 a pop. They start by offering a $1,000 cash prize but as things go wrong and expenses balloon they ultimately inflate the prize to $1 million in order to attract more contestants.
Aspiring actress Amelia begins her 25th birthday by breaking up with her boyfriend, and things only go downhill from there. After visiting a dubious psychic for advice, Amelia sets off on a bizarre adventure to find money for rent and possibly love.
The film revolves around, Norman, a world-weary manager of a pier theatre in a seaside resort. Norman has worked in the theatre for all of his life, but will not accept that the local council, which own the theatre are planning to install more commercial management in an attempt to boost audience numbers. As the story unfolds he realises it may be time to move on and put behind him the ghost of 50s & 60s singer Alma Cogan, who performed at the theatre many years ago. Sandra, his devoted long-suffering assistant and Norman decide to leave the theatre to fulfill her dream of being a professional singer and unexpectedly enjoying a late blossoming romance. From Wikipedia.
Jeff and Tisa Murray have decided to move their family back to their hometown of Atlanta when Tisa is offered her dream job. The dream becomes a hilarious reality when family issues, Mom’s new boyfriend, and ex-lovers are waiting on them upon their return.
The sole survivor of a blood-drenched massacre must team up with a rag-tag bunch of rookie cops and lawbreakers to defend a police station from an invasion of monsters from another dimension.
Marty, an anti-social realist, and Harry, a passionate ideologist, are two young writers who have come to Hollywood to make it as successful screenwriters.
Three store owners discover their strip mall has been gambled away to a thug who loves to bowl. After unsuccessful attempts to pay the thug back they enter a bowling tournament to win the money, despite having no previous bowling skills.
Will, a 30-year old who is losing control of his life, inherits his father's cabin and with it a new perspective on his family, childhood and relationships.
When Emily, a librarian-to-be, is assigned to tutor Mateo, a struggling undergrad, in American Lit, they do not get along; but when the discussion turns from classics to confessions, they learn something that could change their lives forever.
A neurotic pregnant woman on the verge of giving birth, attempts to reunite her estranged family which includes an impossible mother riddled deeply with Alzheimer's, an aging porn star sister and an intense Aunt, whom the family hasn't seen in 18 years. All in an effort to fix her family history before giving birth. The colorful journey travels from Venice to Van Nuys to Simi Valley and in the end, love must win out.
When a young man takes his own life, he finds himself in the offices of purgatory at the desk of a very curious Grim Reaper, who forces him to confront his decision.
Peter Epstein-Takahashi is popular with a certain female classmate, but he's concerned about his, er, endowment. Who else to turn to for advice but his two gay dads? They may not be quite prepared to handle the situation...
Counting for Thunder is inspired by the three years when Phillip Irwin Cooper, unlucky in work, money and love, went home to the Gulf Coast of Alabama to help out with a family crisis. Working through his past with his complicated family, some old high school chums, and the desperate and hilarious southern characters who grace his hometown, Phillip ultimately finds his own voice as his mother is regaining hers for possibly the last time.