Four young friends with fracturing relationships take a camping trip to Southern Utah in order to escape an ecological disaster up North. Alone in the desert, they begin to suspect that their reality might not be as it seems, and soon realize they’re being observed by a mysterious cosmic force.
Ines has just received an ultimatum: If she loses one more customer, she will be fired from her job at the call centre. On the other end of the line is Alwin. A fortune cookie writer who suffers from writer's block after the death of his best friend, his dog Bonnie Barko, and therefore wants to cancel his phone contract.
A comedy show that takes you out of your comfort zone and brings the laughter right at you. Brandon Queshawn brings a gritty style of comedy where everybody's a target.
An elderly sex shop owner's attraction to a younger woman leads him to an erectile dysfunction doctor whose treatment reveals an alluring but treacherous alternate reality.
A young student fears for her life after she finds her teacher eating a live dog on her way out of school. Despair leads the girl to seek help from The Seekers, a group of researchers considered silly who seek evidence of life beyond Earth. The urgency in the girl's request and the signs of a possible invasion make the group look for a way to stop the possible invader.
It's Christmastime and Jessi is all but excited. She finds herself with comparisonitis in the world of social media. Other women her age just seem to "have it all", while she is frustrated over her job at the local movie theater, and drowning in student loan debt. Her Grandma and friends seem to be concerned for her health and well being, and only want Jessi to be happy.
Three sisters try to find a tenant to rent their garden apartment. They later meet George Barrow who's plotting to turn their apartment into a hedgefunder Disneyland of 50-foot-wide townhouses with spas, movie theaters and in-ground pools.
In Toronto lively music, intricate textiles and vibrant colours paint an unlikely story of love and family when Badi and Sharon, two young students with very different upbringings from a divided Persian community, accidentally fall in love.
A sinister video rental store is the portal to six tales of terror. This is an anthology horror in the classic style of horror studios from the past but with a twist.
BEAU JEST is the hilarious, heartwarming story about Sarah Goldman, a beautiful young school teacher from Chicago who is involved with Chris, a great guy with just one apparent flaw, he's not Jewish. Sarah tells her parents that she is no longer seeing Chris, but continues to date him in secret.
An inept man takes up a job of being a Gardener for some easy money but the seemingly simple tasks may prove to be too difficult for him as Gardening isn’t all as it seems.
Amy, a lazy stoner with zero motivation and no ambitions, unknowingly buys a time traveling marijuana vape. She discovers its powers and uses it to try to get laid. However, trouble ensues...
Twenty years after the disappearance of Izzy Lyon, the World's Greatest Sign Spinner, a group of devoted followers band together to restore his legacy.
An hour of standup comedy by comedian Kurt Braunohler. Directed by Jonah Ray Rodrigues and released by 800 Pound Gorilla. Braunohler explores family, absurdity, and his role in both.