It's Christmas in Toronto, 1978. Eight-year-old Meehee Park longs for two things: to make her mother happy and to get a Cindy doll from Santa. But she soon realizes that Santa isn't real and her parents are struggling to make ends meet. This distresses Meehee to no end, that is until one fateful day when she comes across a neighbourhood auction that will pit her two greatest desires, leaving Meehee to choose between dreams of the past and fitting in with the present.
When a hilarious and beloved talking penguin named Roi is kidnapped by a couple of crazy criminals, his home country is thrown into a tailspin. With Roi’s safety and the fate of a nation hanging in the balance, the most trusted knight in the land and his young son must join forces to rescue their fine feathered friend. Along the way, this dynamic father and son duo soar to new heights as they uncover clues and rediscover the bond that has been missing in their own relationship.
Christmas is coming. In a letter to Santa Claus, Ania writes that she would like to get a brother, but she only gets a doll. Then she is offended and cannot believe that no one believes in Santa Claus. Ania goes to meet Krzyś, the boy from the neighborhood. It turns out that he has never been visited by Santa Claus, so Ania dresses up as Santa Claus and gives him 3 gifts. Meanwhile, Krzyś is already 4 years old, so he should get 4 gifts.
Celebrate America's music with this magical journey through America's proud history with Uncle Sam and the Kidsongs Kids. You'll hop on a Calistoga wagon heading west, do-si-do the night away at a barn dance, and help build the mighty U.S. railroad. Along the way you'll meet famous American heroes like Betsy Ross, Davy Crockett and Abraham Lincoln. And don't forget to wave your flag at the fun-filled Fourth of July Parade!
Train Driver Tubb: Tubb stays on track until robbers try to steal his gold - and he discovers he can't do everything alone. Sploshy’s Tail: Sploshy dreams of performing tricks like Winona the whale. If only she had a tail, Sploshy would be a circus star. Terence’s Double Trouble: Terence wishes for a friend who likes the same things he does! But when his imaginary friend, Lawrence, does everything better, the soapy crocodile is troubled. Scary Finbar: Argh! Finbar isn't a very scary shark. If only he were a Mighty Scary Shark, he would swim in the ocean and scare his friends! Reg the Monster: Reg can't concentrate and wishes for peace and quiet. Things change when he becomes the Leave Me Alone Monster.
It's New Year's Eve on Sesame Street and around the world! Anchorman Elmo and the Monster News Network provide special reports showing us the New Year's customs and celebrations.
In this TV special, Sherman the elf bungles his way from one job to the next at the North Pole, trying to find where he fits in. Finally, Santa Claus gives him the assignment of guarding his magic toy bag on Christmas Eve.
Bring on the Belly Badge Rock! It's all music and cheer until Harmony Bear loses her singing voice before the big show, and Kaylee, a visitor to Care-a-lot, stops playing her instrument because of a bully. Perhaps a bit of Care Bears courage will save the day? Then, when Funshine BearTM and Grumpy BearTM realize they have a wild child on the loose, and WonderheartTM Bear tells a few little lies, the bears discover how important it is to have good manners and always tell the truth!
TUBB THE PIRATE: Tubb wishes he were brave. If only he were a pirate! TERENCE OF ARABIA: Terence does not like being splashed! If only he were someplace dry like the desert! SPLOSHY OF THE ARCTIC: Cooling off in the bathroom on a hot day sounds great to everyone except Sploshy! SUPER AMELIA: Wishing for superpowers, Amelia finds herself training to be a superhero, competing against Fintastic Finbar! DEEP SEA REG: Reg wants to play underwater games with his friends.