After putting their bodies on the line for countless years, a family of professional wrestlers seek a brand new way to satisfy an impeccable bloodlust.
A soldier reunites with his wife to take in the attractions at their favorite Halloween spot. But when real terror follows them home, they must fight for their lives - or become the next attraction.
A group of people find themselves trapped in a prison facility used to contain prehistoric creatures. Knowing that they could become the deadly dinosaurs' dinner at any time, they must find a way out before they become extinct.
An on-the-run twisted family of circus performers live in the remote Scottish highlands, miles away from civilisation. When a team of Roller Derby girls go camping just a bit too close to them all hell breaks loose.
When a suburban housewife discovers that her husband has become a Zombie with an appetite for human flesh, she fights to keep him well fed and out of government clutches.
A discontented New York family woman is unexpectedly called to Tuscany to execute her estranged mother's will. There, she must decipher visions of her forgotten childhood and confront a spectral "Lady in Red," whose dark secret unlocks a terrifying destiny.
A cultural relic restorer discovers the skeletons of babies while working in an old mansion. The bloody events of the past drags everyone working on the project into a dark abyss.
A group of online social justice activists venture deep into the woods to uncover the truth behind a recent series of gruesome ritual murders – and to capture the person responsible. But what they come face to face with is something more deadly than any serial killer, an urban legend that is very real, and determined to make them his latest victims.
Hochelaga, 2048. It’s been over 20 years since Quebec finally gained independence through the efforts of a movement led by the powerful Charles Maurice. His eventual rise to Prime Minister, however, may not have been all that legal. This major political upheaval will shake up the social classes and bring out demonic creatures that attack the population. One man will become the beacon of peace amongst the chaos overtaking this new country. That man is Zach, Charles Maurice’s son, an irresponsible bum who becomes the leader of an elite team, whose mission is to re-establish peace between the ninjas, punks and rat-people who are trying to survive this zombie infestation.
Narrowly escaping death at the hands of a notorious serial killer, Jessa Dixon awakens from a coma to learn her father committed suicide. Unconvinced, she investigates the suspicious suicide and uncovers a dark corporate conspiracy involving the police and the psychotic killer that almost took her life.
College student Ali Hooper and her little brother are attacked by a masked maniac, and the key to them surviving the night lies in unlocking a secret from the killer's past.
Follow Mark Torgl star of 1984's The Toxic Avenger who played "Melvin The Mopboy" and transforms into Toxie, as he attends the Monster Convention circuit for the first time. Discover the convention world through Torgl's eyes, and learn a deep dark secret that has kept Torgl in hiding for 30 years.
A hooded monk appears and massacres an army unit. In a secret facility researchers unlock time and pull a dinosaur into the present. The cult leader merges with the beast to create a fiery hot killing machine. A local priest's faith is tested in trying to defeat it.
A lonely man's voyeuristic obsession with the private lives of his co-workers spirals into a desperate attempt for attention and a violent spectacle of horror.
Enraged by the murder of it's offspring, a Bigfoot rampages through the countryside of Southeast Ohio. Detective Benson, Ranger Thomas and Bigfoot researcher Hank scramble to locate the legendary creature before it attacks a group of teenagers on a camping trip in an isolated place called Kampout.