After Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, and Rabbit see Christopher Robin making a valentine for -- gasp! -- a girl, they find he's been bitten by a "Smitten" and is lovesick! Worried that he'll no longer have time for them, and hoping a second bite from the love bug will cure him, they set out on a wild adventure to capture the Smitten. This wonderful story, filled with magic and whimsy, and sweetened with three new songs, reminds us all that the heart is big and always has plenty of room for friends -- old and new.
In 2012, after the events of Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, the early adulthood DigiDestined—Daisuke, Miyako, Iori, Takeru Takashi, Hikari, and Ken—must reconcile their new responsibilities with their Digimon partners. But Rui Owada, a mysterious young man, appears, claiming to be the first human to partner with a Digimon–Ukkomon. Could Rui really have been the first-ever DigiDestined?
The film tells the story of Mosley, a "thoriphant" who rebels against his life of servitude and embarks on a treacherous journey to find the fabled city of Uprights.
Two-hour remake of the original 1st episode, in celebration of the anime celebrating 20 years in broadcast. The special retells what happened on the day Shinichi was transformed into the body of a child. The special includes new scenes that weren't in the original manga or the first anime episode.
In this Halloween Special, Babs Bunny plays the part of host as she and the Tiny Toons gang spoof various popular horror movies and TV shows. Among the works parodied are "Night Gallery", "The Twilight Zone", "The Devil and Daniel Webster", "Frankenstein" and the "Abbott and Costello Meet..." films.
Whizzy is a little mouse, Whitebelly is a fox. They are naturally mortal enemies. One day, after an unfortunate accident, both meet in animal heaven. Together, they will embark on a fantastic journey and discover friendship can overcome everything.
Maggie Diggins, a wombat turned Wonder Woman, unintentionally becomes the city's superhero after she begrudgingly saves a rookie superhero sugar glider from certain doom.
Two animated tales of terror: “Survivor Type,” a man determined to stay alive alone on a deserted island no matter what the cost. “Twittering from the Circus of the Dead,” a teen's family road trip includes a visit to the gravest show on earth.
The tale of a ravenous rat who craves buns, biscuits and all sweet things. Tearing along the highway, he searches for sugary treats to steal, until his sweet tooth leads him to a sticky end.
With her parents away for the summer, fun-loving, young Princess Alise must spend her time with Queen Uberta, training to be the perfect, proper royal...But what she really wants is to become a swashbuckling pirate! Princess Alise sets sail with Lord Rogers, Jean-Bob the frog and Speed the turtle on a bold, high seas journey filled with amazing adventure, danger and discovery. After a shipwreck leaves the brave crew stranded on a wild, mysterious island, they meet Lucas, a young boy who has been living in seclusion. Now the faithful friends must work together to escape the island and the ferociously hungry creatures that dwell there.
After a hilarious run-in with the law, Madea is sentenced to community service. Determined to do good for the 'hood, Madea enlists Aunt Bam and Uncle Joe to try and save the Moms Mabley Youth Center from being shut down. With her irresistible sass and wisdom, Madea rallies the local kids to make a stand-and proves that behind her tough exterior is a whole lot of love!
The Alphas and Omegas share a thrilling adventure after Runt discovers the Saw Tooth Cave. Runt finds a wolf in need and lends a helping paw. Stars Ben Diskin & Kate Higgins. American computer-animated action-comedy/fantasy film exclusively from Walmart. It is the fourth film in the Alpha and Omega franchise and the sequel to Alpha and Omega, A Howl-iday Adventure, and The Great Wolf Games.
Beyond Beyond is a story about wanting the impossible. A story about a little rabbit boy not old enough to understand the rules of life, who takes up the fight against the most powerful force. While doing so, he learns more and more about life.
After touring the world, Bodi takes some time off and returns to his village. When he learns that the girl group, K-9, doesn't know who rock legend Angus Scattergood is, he is compelled to join the musical competition show, “Battle the Beat,” to inspire a new generation of rock stars. But after joining the show, Bodi quickly realizes he has bitten off more than he can chew when he becomes an overnight TV personality sensation.
Super Hero High is facing off against Korugar Academy in the Intergalactic Games, but Lena Luthor takes advantage of the gathering of Supers to enact her villainous plan.
Many years ago, on a faraway island, there lived a Sun Duck who protected his flock from evil powers. The Sun Duck had his loyal guardians who made sure the Sun evenly spread its energy on their flourishing land. The bliss continued until an Evil Witch learned of the Sun Duck's superpowers. She seized the guardians and stole the Sun Duck away for the only sake every living woman would understand: eternal youth and mesmerizing beauty. Today, nobody believes in old legends. Mandarin ducks peacefully reside on their island and abide by the law that prescribes "no flying on the island" and "never leave the island". The Emperor is the only one who knows that the legend is true and that the next generation Sun Duck has been born. He keeps it in strict secrecy, but the Witch also knows that the legend is true and she is coming back for her next victim.
An imaginative tale chronicling the adventures of a diverse band of crayons as they strive to protect not only their magical multihued homeland but the imagination of children everywhere from a terrifying monster.
While attending a meeting as a Chief Inspector of the Public Security Bureau, Akane Tsunemori received a report that an incident had occurred on a foreign vessel , and this was the beginning of a big and unexpected case.