Two brothers argue over a job position at a clothing brand company. The older one, Shirzad, is influenced by a dark creature to get what he deserves at any cost. Their father helps the younger brother, Nariman, to get the job. Shirzad, possessed by the dark creature, tries to convince Nariman to back off but accidentally does something way more horrifying.
Weight is a post-apocalyptic short film covering the year long journey of a drifter, Adam, surviving after the collapse of society in the United Kingdom. He stays alive by following instructions left to him by his father who raised him during the collapse.
While working for a shady real-estate company in Shanghai, Bryan Zellerman is framed by his corrupt employers. Faced with a choice between escape or finding out the truth behind his betrayal, his path veers terribly out of control.
A suspenseful, slow-burning, psychological thriller about a young man whose paranoia has him torn between the pain of abandoning his daughter and the safety of his own life. A bag of money, a tumultuous chase and a story of man versus self.
Malcolm (Josh Helman, MAD MAX: FURY ROAD) is thrust into depression after his wife, Sarah (Yael Stone, "Orange is the New Black"), tragically dies. When he meets someone new, Nya (Jennifer Allcott, Slamdance winner KATE CAN'T SWIM), one year later, he finally allows himself to give over to new love. And that's when he starts seeing his deceased wife, speaking to him about how abandoned she feels, terrorizing him at every turn. Every time he sees her, debilitating headaches cripple him, as well as doubts about his sanity. With the help of his sister-in-law, Dee (Broadway's Yvonne Cone), and his mentor, Jim (Paul Sorvino, GOODFELLAS), he must reconcile his past with his present in order to forgive himself, mourn properly, hang onto his new love - and not lose his mind in the process.
Sitting in a sleepy cafe in Darjeeling, Dada is designing the perfect crossword when a young, Nepali boy interrupts his work, eager to befriend him. But who is this boy? Someone's knocking and Dada has to decide if he will answer or not.
A drug and sex addicted criminal attorney tries to regain control of his life after a case defending his childhood friend begins to unravel him. While attempting to buy a quick fix from a psychiatrist, he reveals the truth behind his addiction fueled inner demons.
Four people in a high rise condo fight for their lives against a malevolent force that seeks to destroy them. But when a mysterious being in a familiar body finds them, the group discovers what's truly at stake.
A seemingly homeless man who catches butterflies in the park witnesses a gangland shooting. He's dragged off into a tunnel to be killed, passes out only to awaken to a bloody nightmare - The cops rule it a drug deal gone bad releasing the Butterfly Man. Soon the CIA is on their doorstep looking for a rogue psychopathic agent who disappeared 15 years ago and the only person who has possibly seen him is the Butterfly Man.
After a surveyor goes missing while working on the southern coast of England, her successor begins to encounter strange phenomena. These experiences may either hold the key to this mystery, or simply deepen the frontier marshland's enigmas.
The film takes place in the Priests office in a Brooklyn parish. It's told in flashbacks and gives the audience a chance to witness the inner workings of this horrible association that has destroyed families and communities throughout the country. The main character who is played by world champion boxer Paul Malinaggi is full of emotion and personal experiences that plays as an eye opening to anyone that has lost or steered away from God. Paul is so charismatic that in the end you will not only feel for this man you will understand his pain and the need for redemption. The film stares Will Wallace (Tree of life) Joe Estevez, Adam Nelson ( Mystic River) Joe D' Onofrio (Bronx Tale) Carmen Argenziano(God Father)
WHO KILLED CHEA VICHEA? is a highly charged murder mystery, a political thriller, and a documentary like no other. In 2004, Cambodian union president Chea Vichea was assassinated in broad daylight at a newsstand in Phnom Penh. As international pressure mounted, two men were swiftly arrested and convicted of the crime, each sentenced to twenty years in prison. Filmmaker Bradley Cox’s five-year investigation reveals an elaborate cover-up that reaches the highest echelons of Cambodian society. Winner of a 2011 Peabody Award among many other honors and banned by the Cambodian government, WHO KILLED CHEA VICHEA? uncovers the face of dictatorship behind the mask of democracy.