Get a deeper look at the lives of competitive Pokémon video game players and casters in this three-episode series that follows the year-long journey of Wolfe Glick, Rosemary Kelley, Lou AkcoĆ-Cromie, and Markus Stadter as they strived to achieve their dreams at the 2024 Pokémon World Championships.
Japanese home reform. Homes are chosen from viewers who write in explaining unique problems, like small space, broken or damaged home, no bathroom, no insulation, too old, not elderly friendly, etc. The show showcases some of the worst living conditions before, then goes through a reformation to modernize the home and meet the needs of the owners. Alias name is "Before After"
Television program of cultural diffusion, born in September 1995, designed and conducted by Piero Angela, development of transmission appreciated Quark.
PBS' premier science series helps viewers of all ages explore the science behind the headlines. Along the way, NOVA demystifies science and technology, and highlights the people involved in scientific pursuits.
It's about human history, how humans shaped the world we live in. A history through cultures and civilizations - from early Mesopotamia to the industrial revolution.
Documentary series from various european production company’s like BBC, SVT, NRK, DR, ARTE, Covering serveral topics of war, Persons Like Cleopatra, Hitler, George Washington, etc
Real Estate Agent Jesper Nielsen, and Designer Søren Vester or Anders Faarborg, helps home owners having trouble selling their properties during four day periods.