The rights to Captain Pugwash were purchased by The Britt Allcroft Company, which since 1997 has issued a number of digital and part computer-animated cartoon films based on the Pugwash character, set on the island of "Montebuffo", "somewhere in the Spanish Main". Peter Hawkins did not provide the voices, HIT Entertainment instead employing a full cast with James Saxon in the title role.
Top-ranked market research manager, Man Tin-Tzi, is an expert at price comparison. Tin-Tzi who relishes his yuppie lifestyle has been longing for early retirement. But the sudden return of his eight-year-old son seems to have completely shattered his dreams. Tin-Tzi has no experience in taking care of children and is totally clueless about how to look after his son. Luckily his ally-cum-rival Amy Kam is there to help and look out for him in every way. Meanwhile, Tin-Tzi is also trying to patch up his relationship with his godfather Ko Chi-Tim, who has his own family issues.
The Space Place storylines centre around eight central characters, all space vehicles from a lunar display in a museum gallery. All have their own personalities, function and behaviours.
Raven: The Secret Temple is a BBC Scotland children's adventure game show, and the second spin-off to the main series, Raven. It comprises one series, which aired first on the CBBC Channel, and then during CBBC on BBC One in the United Kingdom, in 2007. In this series, warriors compete as teams and attempt to collect as many jewels as possible by completing fourteen tasks, so that they may find and enter the Secret Temple.