From the makers of the Flop House podcast, FLOP TV is a series of live video streams featuring your favorite bad movie podcasters in fun, fast, streamlined, hour-long versions of their live shows! The format is a fun-size version of the usual podcast live shows – each episode will kick off with ONE PowerPoint presentation, followed by a discussion of the movie, a question or two from the audience, and perhaps a surprise along the way.
Grag Hearts Drag is a celebration of all things Brazilian drag! Grag Queen's new series has her joining the stars of Drag Race Brasil as they explore their home towns all around Brasil.
Paul and members of the studio audience ask celebrity guests intriguing questions, scenarios and dilemmas. The guests then line-up in order of how they would answer the question from best to worst, most likely to least likely etc.
Let there be no tears in the eyes made for laughter. BKM Mutfak Stand-Ups come to add joy to your day. Ozgür Turhan, Cem Isciler, Cihan Talay, Anlatanadam and many more will be at GAIN with their stand-up performances soon.