Every year, the government funds clandestine programs collectively called the black budget. But what’s exactly behind these secretive missions operating around the globe? Former CIA operative Mike Baker will dig into these mysterious programs each week in Black Files Declassified.
Former recording artist Temmora Levy juggles the challenges of training future musical superstars while dealing with their stage parents, managing her daughter Meisha's pop girl group, and keeping up with the daily demands of motherhood and marriage.
A half-hour documentary series set in a unique Arctic town with true northern exposure that provides a front-row seat for some of the closest human-bear encounters ever seen on television.
Two Missouri brothers, Taimoor and Rehan, travel the country rewriting the rules of home design by taking on the most unconventional, most bizarre, most dangerous run-down structures and transforming them into surprising, ingenious and luxurious dream homes.
Secret societies play a far larger role in our everyday lives than we are aware of. Historian Dr Marian Füssel searches for clues surrounding history’s most famous secret societies and conspiracy theories.
Sean Vann is an American Logger with a plan -- a big plan. He's worked in the Russian forestry industry for the last seventeen years...but he's always been working for a boss. Now Sean is putting everything on the line for the opportunity of a lifetime in deepest Siberia. He has a 3-month contract to cut wood, set up his own operation and become master of his own destiny.
Rocket City Rednecks is an American television show that focuses on engineering.
The show is set in Huntsville, Alabama, and features Travis Taylor, three of his relatives, and his best friend. All five cast members are highly educated but, when not working on technical matters, play the part of stereotypical "rednecks" and use their advanced knowledge to solve "real world" problems.
The show was first broadcast on Wednesday September 28, 2011, with Tim Evans as the supervising producer. It is broadcast on the National Geographic Channel, and will be shown in all regions of the United States.
Best friends Mittens the kitten and Pants the puppy go on adventures in the all-animal town of Kibble Corners. Despite being a dog and a cat, they are the best of friends because they accept that they are different.
Two couples, each with proven track records in house-flipping, endeavor to turn a million-dollar profit in the Dallas real-estate market — all in just six months and with starting capital of just $1000.