Seth, a middle-aged gay man with an inexplicably hot young boyfriend, has his world turned upside down when his homophobic sister shows up. She caught her husband cheating with her best friend that she doesn't realize she's in love with. Enter Loni Anderson as their over-sexed mother determined to sort out her children's lives as long as they keep her glass topped off with vodka.
In three gripping instalments, 'Secrets of a Psychopath' recounts the facts behind the most complex and surprising murder to come before the courts in Irish criminal history.
Demon hunter Tim Wood and his team investigate the darkest hauntings. The battle-tested crew employs unique scientific investigative methods and works closely with eyewitnesses to identify, communicate and confront the malevolent entities lurking in the shadows.
Follows WSDFW Law Enforcement Program as they police the Evergreen State's unforgiving mountain terrains, twisted rain forest back roads and densely populated coastal areas. Each day brings new challenges and extreme danger.
The American Revolution was at once a war for independence, a war of conquest, a civil war, and a world war, fought by neighbors on American farms and between global powers an ocean or more away. It impacted millions from Vermont’s Green Mountains to the swamps of South Carolina, from Indian Country to the Iberian Peninsula. In defeating the British Empire and giving birth to a new nation, the American Revolution turned the world upside-down. Thirteen colonies on the Atlantic Coast united in rebellion, won their independence, and established a republic that still endures. The American Revolution, will present the story of the men and women of the Revolutionary generation, their humanity in victory and defeat, and the crisis that they lived through.
Dark, mysterious and visually captivating, "In Absentia" is an anthology series consisting of contemporary, dark folk tales that focus on the absence of life's normal order.
Watch uproarious real-life moments: backyard mishaps, car chaos, avalanche disasters, stunts, spills and thrills. It's an unforgettable rollercoaster of laughter caught on camera.
NYC’s biggest influencers offer a glimpse into their creative worlds, business dealings and personal lives as they do what it takes to rise to the top and make their impact.
Accused of more than 20 rapes and confessing to a total of 96 rapes - the question of how this person could have acted in impunity for so long is raised in this documentary. ​When the police eventually arrested him, one of the strongest pieces of evidence was a diary where he had written details of the victims, the crime scenes and the planned future attacks.
Follows comedian Matt Richards as he travels to the biggest state fairs and street scenes across the country to find America’s wildest foods and most creative cooks to judge the best of the best.