A fresh look at humankind’s relationship to the planet’s wildest places and most fascinating species.
Using advanced filming techniques, this series will provide visuals as stunning as the best natural history programs. Distinguishing itself from nearly all other nature films, however, the series turns the cameras around, showing the world as it really is—with humans in the picture.
Diagnose Me uncovers incredible true stories as doctors turn detective to solve seemingly unsolvable medical riddles. It's like a real life version of House!
Using interviews and dramatic first person accounts, viewers will witness horrifying tales of everyday people being struck down by strange symptoms and mysterious maladies. What follows is a race against time as brilliant doctors refuse to give up in their quest to uncover the medical clues, restore the patients to health and prevent an outbreak.
Adam Nicolson looks at how and why whale populations were so drastically reduced in the 20th century, and attempts to see whaling through the eyes of the time.
This four-part series takes an in-depth look at the workings of some of Scotland's most magnificent country estates through the eyes of the current owners, the ghillies, the gardeners and the housekeepers, not forgetting the paying guests who frequent these stunning country estates. The programs, filmed entirely in Scotland, tell the fascinating stories behind these magnificent buildings.
An eye-opening look inside the Post Office - an iconic national institution undergoing the biggest shake-up in its nearly 400-year history as it battles to reinvent itself for the modern world.
In watching eccentric, carefree Barry Weiss during his four seasons on "Storage Wars," one got the feeling he was much more into the business of buying storage lockers for the fun and not the money. But there are more good times to be had on the road, and now that Weiss has retired from the storage auction game, his search for adventure has paved a new treasure-seeking avenue. With a motley crew of friends in tow, Weiss travels the U.S. to buy rare and fascinating collectibles, and in doing so he meets equally rare and fascinating collectors, with whom he haggles. "Barry'd Treasure" also finds its star straying from his intended routes, resulting in some misadventures along the way.
Families looking to leave the city and experience a simpler lifestyle view three properties then choose to try out "Unplugged" living guided by expert Jay Gruen.
Spike TV is raising the stakes in the endless quest to discover the truth about the legendary creature known as Bigfoot, the seemingly mythical being that roams forests of the world, avoiding mankind. The network is announcing a new one-hour reality show, 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty, featuring ambitious teams of explorers on a brazen exhibition to unearth real evidence of Bigfoot's existence. The $10 million in cash, underwritten by Lloyd's of London, would be the largest cash prize in television history.