The first American television series of Sherlock Holmes adventures aired in syndication in the fall of 1954. The 39 half-hour mostly original stories were produced by Sheldon Reynolds and filmed in France by Guild Films, starring Ronald Howard as Holmes and Howard Marion Crawford as Watson. Archie Duncan appeared in many episodes as Inspector Lestrade. Richard Larke, billed as Kenneth Richards, played Sgt. Wilkins in about fifteen episodes. The series' associate producer, Nicole Milinaire, was one of the first women to attain a senior production role in a television series.
Everything brilliant and compassionate defense attorney Paul Madriani stands for is put to the test when he's hired to defend an indefensible adversary. Baltimore's Judge Armando Acosti's harsh and inflexible rulings are notorious. His unjust sentence of attorney Paul Madriani's latest client, an abused wife charged with the murder of her husband, is proof. But Madriani soon finds himself in a curious position of power over the judge. Acosti is arrested for soliciting a prostitute-undercover vice cop, Brittany Hill, who's called in as key witness for the prosecution. Acosti denies the charges, but when Hill is murdered-and all evidence points to the judge - Acosti finds himself in desperate need of a savvy defense. The irony isn't lost on Madriani.