Varun Sharma takes the audience with him as he explores amazing luxury resorts around the world, taking in the local sights, and visiting chefs in the resort kitchens.
A collection of creepy, eerie or unsettling stories. Supernatural events, pod people, mind games, murder, torture, screams and no escape. That's exactly how to describe season one of "Creepy Chronicles." This throwback series, featuring full black and white episodes, and full color episodes, will shock you. It will leave you feeling creeped out. Starring several up and coming actors and actresses.
For decades, no other muscle car ruled the roads like the Trans Am. So when the automotive icon fell into oblivion, car savants Scott and Tod Warmack risked everything to acquire the rights in an attempt to resurrect the legendary brand from extinction. Now, builder Scott and businessman Tod are giving the greenlight to the Trans Am legacy by restoring old muscle cars and building new ones to breathe life back into American muscle and put the beloved car back on the pavement.
Hitler to Hiroshima documents the horrifying drama of the Axis Powers tyrannical campaign to enslave the world. Hitler s Germany, Tojo s Japan, and Mussolini s Italy joined forces to crush the free world.The full might of the Nazi war machine pounded at the gates of London and Stalingrad. Japan assaulted China and the island nations of the Pacific.
Filmed with unrivaled intimacy this unforgettable and authentic story takes an in-depth look at a remarkable cross-species bond, and the passion and dedication required to save just one lion.
Using captured German footage to cover the growth of German aggression starting with the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the invasion of Poland. Animated maps show battle positions and advancements of the German Army.
Military training film in which an instructor takes a new B-17 bomber pilot through preflight inspections of the aircraft and preparation for departure.
Fury in the Pacific is a documentary about a pair of World War II battles in the Pacific: the Battle of Peleliu and the Battle of Angaur. It was co-produced by the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Marines, and directed by a series of combat cameraman. The film is noteworthy for its praise of the fighting abilities of Japanese soldiers, and its fast-paced editing.
Covers the United States involvement with Korea and testing of Korean weapons. John Ford directed this film which is the only color documentary made during the Korean War.
This series covers everything from the attack on Pearl Harbor to the numerous battles that took place afterwards. We highlight various leaders who played significant roles such as General Douglas MacArthur and Admiral Chester Nimitz. Follow the action from the television stations and movies to the camera crews documenting on the front lines.
The Italian Campaign begins with the invasion of Sicily. The series features combat action at San Pietro, Anzio beach, Naples, Monte Cassino, The Gustav Line, and the final taking of Rome. Also a bonus feature on the Burma Road.